THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN FRIDAY JANUARY 21 1955 13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS EDUCATION JJ- per unei CONTRACTS fiS6 per ttnei PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Public Offices and Institutions SOUTH MANCHESTER H.M C. CHRISTIE HOSPITAL AND HOLT RADIUM INSTITUTE. Manchester 2U. Student Technician required in the workshops the phvsus department. This workshop is repair of medical and scientific research not essential but would be an advantage for apparatus Exponent in workshop technique applicant over 20 crs of age.
The slary 140 per annum at 16 years 230 p.a at 20 years, rising to 350 pa. at 25 vears. with promotion possibilities to a higher grade Appleadons ttating age, experience, and the rimes of mo referees, should be addreisd to Administrative Omcrr at the hoipital ai soon as possible PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Medical and Nursing fjo per tmei BOOTH HALL HOSPDTAL, Ctaarlestown Road. Blackley. Manchester 9.
A vacancy cams a Senior Theatre Sister. R.N.. R.S.C.N. S.RN. with theatre experience in a children's hospital would be considered) Salary that of Departmental Sister.
Applications lo Matron as soon as possible, from whom lurther particulars be obtained. DERB AREA No. A H.M-C. KINGSUAY HOSPITAL. DERBY.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons tor me post of SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST tfemaio mi the above mental hospital m50 female beds). Salary tJ55 15 to 515 pet annum, plus 20 per annum for duat quaimcation, and conditions In accordance v.nh Whitley Council Recommendations. Oeuupaironal Therapy is el established, and Vf ANCHESTER CATHEDRAL. UJL WORKING-DAY WORSHIP SERVICE. TO-DAY (FRIDAY).
JANUARY 21. from I 20 p.m to I 50 m. Addrea by the Very Rev. H. A.
Jones, B.Sc., Dean. Music led by the Working-day Choir. HpHE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH A MEETING at 7 p.m. on SUNDAY. JANUARY 23.
at the INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND. DEAF. AND DUMB. St Pciesnate. Stockport.
All tkomc. Questions ihuted. GROVE HOUSE SCHOOL. Dy Pupils: Woodvitle Road. ALT 211.1.
Boarding: Raceneld. St. Margaret's Rd. ALT 0044 NURSERY. KINDERG ARTLN and JUNIOR.
Pupils trained to: examinations: excellent results over many years: Special Diets arranged and every home comfori Termlv pupili, 45gm, per term: Yearly (52 JSO per ear; no extra. NEW TERM. 1 ASUARY 17. Application. MRS KOVACH.
Racefleltf. Si Margaret' Road. CHETHAM'S HOSPITAL AND LIBRARY Appeal for 75,000 THIRD LIST Donations up to and including 17th January. 1955, which are zratefuily acknowledged. UUN ATION5 RECEIVED Previously acknowledged Anonymous Turner New all Ltd Arthur Guinness Son Co.
Park Royal) Ltd Provincial Insurance Co. Ltd- Rcfupe Assurance Co Ltd W. M. Christy Sons Ltd Midland Bunk Ltd. Mr Mrs Georpc Spiecclbcrrf John Summers Sons Ltd Wilson Brewerv Ltd s.
d. 5.609 17 2 1.000 0 0 51)0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 U5 0 0 105 0 0 in; i sis 1 05 0 I CM) 0 0 10O 0 0 52 10 0 52 10 0 52 in 0 52 10 0 2 10 50 0 0 50 0 0 The Dean and Canons of Manchester LJiocee or -Manchester "Bass. RatcllfTe Gretton Ltd E. Boydell A Co. Ltd A.
S. Henry Co. Ltd Messrs Slater. Hcelis Co Daniel Thwaites Co Ltd. Thojs.
G. Hill A Co. Ltd The Charles Johnson Charitable Fund CHETHAM'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL PARENTS ASSOCIATION (Second Lit). J. rirt.
tsa. 5 0 5 0 ...5 0 5 ...3 0 0 2 2 0 ...2 2 0 E. 1 1 1 10 i 1 10 Mr Mrs H. Poole Mrs H. M.
Hilton Mr Mrs TX R. Smith Mrs Simons The Rev. ic Mrs M. (nnnnv K. N.
Btighes. Esq. Anonymous I per Mrs ifllior Mrs L. M. DanieH John L.
West. Esq. Mr Dyson 31 IS 29 9 6 26 5 0 26 5 0 2S 25 0 0 2S 25 0 0 25 0 0 2S f) 25 0 21 0 0 210 0 21 I) 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 20 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 10 12 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 fl 10 10 0 in 10 10 0 10 10 0 io looo 10 0 0 to iooo 10 0 a 6 7 7 0 7 7 0 6 4 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 1 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 a 4 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 10 0 1 6 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 I 110 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 In memory of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Shetmerdinc." Aggregate donations (second Usn Boys of Chethjm's School Television Fee D- Gosling Esq Henri Bannerman Sons. Ltd A. Demctnadi.
Esq Mrs Kaihinne M. Fletcher Robert Lawson. Esq Brian MJdwood. Esq Joshua Teilc Son. Ltd Henry wallworlc a Ltd A.
M. Howarth. Esq Harold Holt. Esq R. P.
Lnwsnn Sans. Ltd Baxendale Ltd Ferguson Pailin. Ltd Mr Mrs H. S. Kershaw Mr Mrs K.
Masscy Mrs Ethel F. Taylor P. K. Whitehead. Esq Mm A.
Dickinson (Proceeds of Whist Drive) 'n ot 'he late George Harold Goodwin. Esq." Aggregate donations Isaac Bury- Ltd John H. Earl. Ltd Mark Fletcher A Sons. Ltd Colonel Leonard Green W- Harwich.
Fq. Mahall Ltd Elh Ltd Arrmtatie A. Rijrby. Ltd Wm. Bailey Ltd Harry S.
Fairhurst Son Wrn. O'Hanlon Ltd The William Morris Pre. Ltd J. W. Southern Son.
Ltd In mcmorv of the late Fercr w. Esq." Anxrcgate donations (second list) "Professor E. Jacob Rnvai Manchester Children' Hospital. Pendlchurv (Trained Staff! In memory of ive h'r A M. G.
Dehenham. Esq Aacregate donations first tisO Association of Ashnnt Librarians. Manchester and District Division ffor Libn-ry) Ewart A. Boddlneton Esq A. Cansmo.
Esq Chadwicks Ltd The CoiKhurst Finhins Ltd. Boys of Chetharn's School fee Henry Cochrane Son. Ltd C. H. Oeakin.
Ltd C. C. DunkerTey Ltd FmJibrook Dyeing Co Ltd Nfers Hall Brydon Co Edwin J. Hamaiit. Esq Hayward Sons.
Ltd Harrv Marshall. Esq Middleton Rotary lames A. Morrii 'Desisnsl. Ltd Alderman A. Moss Percy Droi.
Lid Randies Bros. Hudson Ltd The Rotary Cluh of Strciford H. Russell (Soaps Disinfectants) Ltd Joseph ScholK A Sons Lid Mrs F. R. Smith Proceeds of Whist Drive C.
B. Walker. Esq Walkers (ShnwcardO Ltd Whitworth A. Mitchell Ltd B. W.
Wood Ltd Mrs Florence P. Beilh Mrs F. NT. Bowker Butt Brothers Cooke. Ltd P.
Garland Fairhurst. Eiq The Isaac A Harriet Jackson Norton. Llovd Ltd Frederick Smith Co Mrs Amy R. Drmott Anonymous Fam worth District Rotary James Harjrreaies. Esq Miss H.
M- Malnprice J. Millston, Esq Miss J. Gaddum Mr Nan Crofts Jamts Dearden. Eq The Bolton Co-operative Society. Ltd T.
Gibbons- Esq Joseph Hawkins. Esq Miss Lois Nichols C. B. Oldman. Esq J- Wippel! Co.
Ltd XZIT (G.B.. Ltd Mrs Florence H. Auckland K. Hartley. Esq C.
A. Marsh. Esq The Lyceum Literary Club, Oldham Anonymous (per Kendal MElne A Co.) Miss A. Applewhite Ashton under Lne Parish Church Literary Society Messrs David Blank. Alexander A Co.
Ernest A. Bramwell. Esq Basil Chapman. Esq Miss M. D.
Chorllon ffor Library) G. F. V. Datley. Esq Mrs M.
J. Holbcrry Miss E. B. Kenadjian Rev. Maltby Mottershead Ltd Neufeld Ltd J.
Plant. Esq J. S. Savape. Esq Mrs L.
Smith Dr and MrS D. Titcomhe Messrs Tyldeslcy A Holbraok Amounts under 1 Is 9.SSS 2 AMOUNTS RECEIVED OR PROMISED UNDER COVENANT tvev-iousiy acknowledged The Geisy Ltd (i Richard Johnson Nephew. Simnson 4 Godtee. Ltd. Edward F.
Ptlkiniiton. Esq. 16.746 2 0 gross) 735 0 0 Ltd. (net) 262 10 0 245 I) 0 2U0 0 0 CITY OF MANCHESTER. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1947.
Notice Is hereby given, that R. A. Youll, M.C.. LMtin.E.. the Inspector instructed by the Minister ot Housing and Local Government, will attend at the Town Hall, Manchester 2.
on Tuesdav. Februar 1. iy55. at 10 30 a to hold a LOCAL INQUIRY for the purpose of hearing representations with regard to an application which has been submitted to the Council of ihes City of Manchester for permission under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. lor Hie carrins out of development comprising the erection of 22 houses on land bounded Wilbra!) im Road, Yew Tree Road.
Whitebrook Road, and Caxton Road. Fallow-field, in the citS- The carrying out of the proposed development ould involve a departure from the provisions, oi ihc development plan for the cuv wruch has been submitted lo tbc Minister of Housing and Local Government for approval in that the land concerned i allocated for use ns statutory allotments in the development plan. 1'HILIP B. DINGLE. Town Clerk.
Ton Halt. Manchester 2. January. 1955. pITY OF MANCHESTER VTHI: HOUSING l3b to 1952.
Notice is hereby sUen thai the Minister ol Housinii and Local Government in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the above-mentioned Acts on the 1 1 in day of January. 1955. confirmed a compulsory purchase order entitled the Manchester Corporation (Sale. Cheshire) Housing Compulsory Purchase Order. 195J submitted by the Council of the Cit oi The order as confirmed provides for the purchase for the purposes of Part of the Housing Aut.
1936. of the land described in the schedule hereto. A copy of the order as confirmed hv the Minister and of the man referred to therein have been deposited at the Parliamentary Office. Town Clerk's Department. Town Hall.
Manchester 2. and at the offices of the Town Clerk. Town Halt. Sale. Cheshire, and may be seen there at all reasonable hours.
The order as confirmed becomes ope nunc on the 21st day of January. 1Q55. but if application is made to the Hich Court under paragraph 15 of the First Schedule to the Acquisition of Land Authorisation Procedure) Act. 19i6, within a period of six weeks from that date by any person aggrieved by the order the court may. bv Interim order, suspend the operation of the order cither ccnerallv or In so far ns it affects any property of the applicant, and may.
if satisfied that itie authorisation ran led hy the order Jj not empowered to be era rued or that the Interests of ihe applicant hae been substantially prejudiced hy any requirement of the sud Schedule or of any regulation made thereunder not ha vine heen complied with, quash the order cither generally or En so far as it affect! snv propertv of the annlicant. SCHEDULE. LAND comnrUed En the order as confirmed: The land to which the order relates, and which is more particularly indicated on the map referred to therein, ii cituaie in the Borouph of Sale In ihe Count of Chester and comprises 33.90 acres nr thereabouts of tand between Manor Avenue. Sale, and the Sale Borouch boundary end frnnjine unnri Carrtncton Lane. Sale.
Dated th day of Janirnry. 1955. PHILTP DlWt.E. Town Clerk Town Hall. Manchester 2.
LEGAL NOTICE 3lf per Uriel IX ihe matter of ROBERT BARHOUR A BROTHER. and in the matter of THE COMPANIES ACT. 1948. Notice is herehv given, that the credttors or the ahove-nnmed Company, which is heme voluntarily wound up. are rennred on or before the 2lh day of February, 19.
to send their full names and addresses and full particulars of their debts or claims, and the nnme nnd addresses of their solicitors (if anv). to the undersigned. Harry Shaw StnrTord. of fi! Brown Street. Manchester 2.
Chartered Accountant, the Liquidator of the aid Company, and. if so required, hy notice in writing from the said Liquidator, are personally or bv their solicitors to come in and proie their debts nr claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof ihev will he excluded from the benefit nf nnv riistrihu- tion mnde before such dchts re proved. Dated CORPORATION LOANS BANKS 7Jrt pei fini CITV OF MANCHESTER MORTGAGE LOANS AT 31 PER CENT OHers are invited of Enans from 0 upwards, for SEVEN to TEN YFARS at THREE POUNDS TWELVE SHILLINGS AND SIX PENCE PER CENT per annum Moncaces are secured on all Corporation revenues, are trustee securities, and are prepared free of cost to the lenders Applications should be made to Mr Mason. Citv Treasurer Town Hal. Manchester 2 PHItlP R.
DINGLE Town Clerk. CONTRACTS fJlb per ttnet Industrial Painting Contractors Factories. Mills Olrkes and Warehouses. Consult WM. THOMPSON CO (Contractorsl.
LTD 58-60 Great Ducie Street. Manchester s. BLA 9224-5 Est. ST OC CORPORATION TENDERS TENDERS are INVITED for SUPPLY of 72 MARKET STALL COVERS Details and specification from Market Superintendent. Castle Yard.
Stockport. Tenders to he returned by Janunry 3 1 CITY OF MANCHESTER. THII EDUCATION COMMIT! EE INVITE TENDERS for SUPPLYING and UMNO LINOLEUM required at GREAT MORE! ON HALL. CONOLE1 ON. CHESHIRE Spt-ciltca non and tender form may be obtained from the City Arthitect.
p.O Box JRS. Town 1 1. ill Tcnier. sealed in endorsed envelopes, mosi t-nr delivered before It) am. February 1955 PHI1 IP DINGLE.
Town Clerk January 1 r5 ANCASHIRE COUNCIL COUNTY TENDERS will be INVITED from selected Firms for ALTERATIONS and ADAPTATIONS to form pn OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE at Stretford Dclumere Cn ic Restaurant. Contractors desirinu to tender for nnv of these contracts should make application to the County Architect. O. Box No. 26.
County Halt. Preston, not later than in .10 a.m. on February 1 1955 uitolinc rcf. rp DIRECTOR GENERAL. INDIA STORE DEPARTMENT.
Government Building Bromjard Aenuc. Acton. London 3. INVITES TENDERS for the SUPPLY of FOUR PROFILING MACHINES. simile fipindle.
tl hi2i speed, motortsed Forms ot tender which ate returnable by February IS 1JS5 may be purchased the a bmc address at a rost of 10s. In your applicati fnr lender forms ptease quote reference r534CIV. TH1 IND DIRECTOR GENERAL. DIA STORE DEPARTMENT. Government Butidms.
momarc Avenue. Acton. London j. INVITES TENDERS Cor the SUPPLY of ELECTROLYTIC PLANT. Tender schedule and specifications may be purchased from the 3bme address at a cost of tOs quotina reference S.I72fi'54r26jCIV.3.
Tenders, complete with specifications, are to be submitted by Friday. March II. 1955. THE DIRECTOR GENERAL. JL I INDIA STORE DEPARTMENT.
Government Bromvard Avenue. Acion. London i INVITES TENDERS tr fhc SUPPLY of THREE Not. CYLINDER HONING MACHINES, stnale epindte. motorlfied.
Tender schedule and speculations can be puchascd from the above tddrci at a cost of 10s. quoting reference 23' 5 Tenders, complete uuh sncc.ficattnns. are to be submitted by Friday. Mirth a 1955. THE INDIA DIRECTOR GENERAL.
STORE I5FPAR1 MENT. Government Buildiru. Bromyard Aenue. Acton, London 3 INVITES TENDERS for Ihc SUPPLY of It OATS FOLDING MKS 2 and 3. A Quantity.
Nns EB 5I6XI PANELS Bottom 240 5 1 64 PANELS. Side 2fl0 Tender schedule and specification can be purihiM'd from the above address at a cost of 1 Os. quotins reference 2195J54CIV.3. TcnJcrs complete with specifications, are to be by rriduy, Marcn 4. 133.
ANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. TFNDF.RS re INVITED for the LABOUR ONLY rcctuircd for LAYING NEW KERBS on a new ruad from Cherry Tree Roundabout nn the Lancashire Trunk Koad A.5S0 to junction with Amsworth Lane at Manor Arms Cottage. Kukby. Tender rfrtc umenis nhtainable from the County Surveyor. O.
Box 9. Preiton. on receipt ol' 2 deposit. Cheques endorsed Lancashire Countv Council Tenders returnable Friday February 4. 1955 TOCKPORT CORPORATION rENUfcKS.
TENDERS are INVITED for in SUPPLY of PAPER. ENVELOPES. and MISCELLANEOUS STATIONERY for ear commcncinc April I. 1955. Details and tender forms from Borounh Treasurer's Department.
Town Hall. Stockport. lenders in ptain sealed envelopes rarked "Tenders for Sta.ionery" to be sent ud Borough Treasurer hy February 18. 191 (2) SUPPLY of PASTEURISED MILK (under the Milk in Schools Scheme) to all maintained Schools in Stockport List of schools and approximate quantities required from Director of Education. Town Hall, Stockport.
Tenders to he returned by January 31. I9S5. BOUNTY BOROUGH OF mrjlr RSFl LD. All TRADE TENDERS are incited for the ERECTION of a SECONDARY MODERN SCHOOL at DeighToo Huddcrsfield (R.Lil.A-form of contract). Plans ma be seen and bills of quantities obtained ai the Boroueh Architect's Office.
Hish Street Buildmes. Huddcrsfield. on or after January 28 Deposit 22 refunded upon receipt of a tender not subsequently withdrawn. Sealed tenders in the cnclope provided to be delivered lo Ihe Town Clerk not later than 10 a.m on Thursday. February 24.
1955 The Corporation do not hmd themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. HARRY BANN, Town Clerk Town Hall. Hudilcrslield. January II. 1955.
CM OF SALFORD. TENDERS are INVITED for the CONS'! RUCTION of 4S FLATS in 3-storey Blocks, and THREE HOUSES at OSS A DO W. SALFORD 6. Conditions of contract and drawmiu may be inspected at and hills ot quantities and form tender obtained from the Oty Town Hall, SaEford 3, on payment of a deposit of 3 s. whkh will be leturned on submission of a bona -fide tender noi Aubeauentlv withdrawn.
Tenders must be ervcioved in plain scaled envelopes endorsed Flats and Houses. Moss Meadow." addressed to the Town Clerk, Town Hall. Sattord 3. and forwaroea so as to be received not Inter than 12 noon on Friday. February II.
1955. R. RIBBLESDALE THORNTON. Town Clerk PITY OF SALFORD. 'tied for the SUPPLY TENDERS arc and DELIVERY ot the following during the period April 1.
1955. to March 31. 1956: 1. 25FT. CONCRETE COLUMNS 2.
4 SYNCHRONOUS TIME SWITCHES (SOLAR DIAL). Applications for forms of tender to be made to the Street Liahlinv Superintendent. 9 Frederick Road. Pendleton. Salford 6 Tenders in plain sealed envelopes endorsed "Tenders for Street Liahimn Equipment" must be returned addressed to the Chairman.
Street Lighting Committee. Town Hall. Salford 3. not later than 12 noon on Monday, February 7. 1955.
The Corporation does not bind Itself to accept any or the lowest tender RIBBLESDALE THORNTON. Town Clerk. CITY OF SALFORD. TENDERS are invited for the SUPPLY and DELIVLRY of the foliowJnB materials durine the period April I. 1955.
to March 31, 1956 1. CONDUIT FITTINGS 2. WASH LEATHERS SPONGES 3. GAS MANTLES Applications for forms of tender to be made to the Street Liahtins Superintendent. 9 Frederick Sf-cet Pendleton.
Salford 6 Tenders En plain envelopes endorsed "Tenders for Conduit and Fminss. Washlea'hcrs and Spontres. Gas Mantles" rtspectively. must be returned to the Chairman. Purchivins Committee.
Town Hall. Salford 3. no later than 12 oor or Monday. February 7. The Corporation dries not bind itself to accept any or the lowest tenrW R.
RIBBLESDALE THORNTON, Town Clerk. a is COR MICA WAREITE Oh CUTS, extent MT ranee of colours keen pr.cei. EX Jft M.O. comins around: also vartoui Janinesc. Indian and Hooekonn onain goods.
DV 169 M.G GREY CLOTH FOR SALE JAP 2210 QUALITY. 50.000 ARDS. STOCK MANCHESTER: vsOULD DIVIDE, Address EP I Jo Manchester Guardian. TTONGKONG Drill Wanted. 294 in SO ISfU: siock or near.
EOH M.G. lame HK. Export House vnttlns Manthcsicr February Utesx quotations and idc rancc ot samples available. Interested importers plc.itc write C. R.
TIERNAN. Co. Barclays Bank. Wbttbs. orks HONG kONG mill oilers Grey Drill 3110.
Jill nJ PUm at Io price. EG 71. HONGKONG Mills odenne; lid itoo le'ephone DLAnsnile 7920 IF OU HAVE A KbV. HUNDRED POLSUS for Secure lnctiment r.d to conduct clean, pleasant, and profitable ieil hiK---e. pleas write.
ET 1 17 Manchester INDIAN- Cotton Cloth Wanted. 502 inch. 56x52. ISISs loom state. EO JO MG IS your Job or occupation UNSATISFACTORY because of lack of scope, opportunity or capnii Have you any specialised knowledge of trade-opportunities, markets.
7 Are you an expert in some specialised field of manufacture trade or commerce Have you any valuable business connections Old-eatahltshed medium-sired, very progressive oncern with own and tradinc office in London. Provinces and abroad. would be interested in propositions from ladies or sentSc-men with ideas: everv letier wilt be examined verv carefully bv rectors and treated as strictly conndentiaE. write. wih as many detaili 4 possible, to Box F.M." co Vtckcrs ajid Co Lid 7S Great Winchester Strec; London E.C 2 INDIAN and Hong Kong TOWELS: Manchester Wholesale House dcsircc contact with Importer of same S6t Manchester Guardian NTERESTED in Indran Jacquard All-cotton Tapestry anone wuh or quick delivery offer? Addres GC 99 Manchester Guardian.
KHAKI, Navy, Puny, and White Drill 3bin. cotton and ravon print stocks For Sale Address EO 39 Manchester Guardinn. KO I ArLAi la stic -coated Cloths Sheeting and ExtrL'vi- quotations and samples on req ueat MPH REY El LTD a rsden Squire. Manchester BLA 94! 3-4 FOR SALE STRIPED FLANNELETTE SHIRTING ASSORTED. 30m wide, 370 Pieces 2 Id.
per yard, to clear APPROX. 100 yarders AIR FORCE BLUE SHIRTINGS. 2S0 Pieces. 32iin. FINISHED.
93-1 yards 3.4d. per yard, to clear. EY 167 MANCHESTER GUARDIAN ANCASHIRE Loomsute 100.000 vardi. Mm. 5l 56 IK It) 17d: 9.1HH1 vds.
Spun Ravon 1009 printing qualnv. I7d. CEN3SS2. TEXTILE UNI I EXTEND ITS CONNECTIONS in TAK.1NU OVER WELL- lib 1 wiM INTERESTING TURNOVER IN SPECIALISED SI YLLS tllrtClt irwiiJii Viv t-vruivi. APPLY IN CONFIDENCE ADDRESS os Mancncster mtarp-ian MANCHESTER Cloth Buyinp ABent shortly visiting important mills Homhjv, wnntd consider niacins requirements from reput able textile firm.
WD 661 Manchester Guardian. MAN uimna to invest t.imu tn a reasonaote Proposn'on DY 53 Manchester Guardun MANUFACTURER requ.res Stock Lou, ol Gaberdine ptcasc forward prices Address FT 2" Manchester tjuardian MANUrAL I UKtK requires swn meaenca Indian or Hnnj Konc Sheeting: P'ices must be competitive staie construction hen often nc. vrefcers ana uia. 3- oumimitu Street. London W.
2. I A UF ACTU ERS and WHO LbSALbKS HilK drawn on teadinu companies D1S- rOUVTED larse amount onlv r0 6 C5 MEN Handkerchiels exporter wishes io contact manufacturer willing to co-operate with a view to sccurina resular business in the Far East. A ddress WD 1 6 anchesicr Gu rdi an MERCHANTS interested in ctenrinjt line larce quantity Tartan TafTeia EX III. NYLON Embossing: For Sale. Velvetronic Marti III Machine, develops up to lon.nno volts static electricity, specially built for embns- stns velvet designs on nylon stockincs: write tor viewing and price.
fcP 187 Manchester uardian. 36in JO 35 9'9. DELIVERY FEBRUARY. 1955: PRICE 22id NET DD Ul M.G OFFERING INDIAN GREY. 60yd pieces.
5Hn 52 -IK. I)s and 24 EO 9 OFFERING 48 44 ISIKs JJin and 4im re -state St ock bleach ed Februa rv ito ft ha. 52 4R 19 19s Grey Stock, bleached February. Address GC 90 Manchester Guardian OFFICE Manogcrahsp and Investment. Employment by progressive Buxton company offered to efficient and hard-working Lady or Oenrleman with clerical and administrative experience: moderate investment, fullv secured: directorship considered period: pleae write fully In strict confidence, stating experience and amount of canital avaOahte- banters' inA (solicitors' references.
ET 1 13 M.G OLD-ESTABLISHED v-ctl-known Msnulact-mrers of Medium to Grade GEM'S RAINWEAR, due to etpansion of factory arc interested in contacting Wholesalers with a v.ew to regular quantities of M.T. or supply ina Ready-made Raincoats from own materials: keenest costings and fullest support ffiven to reliable firm any style of garment made to specifications For further details and samples plea address EO 169 Manchester Guardian OUR own office in Bangkok requvrc special ortcrs 11 types COTTON PIECE GOODS aiso RAYON and NYLON, also COTTON MOSQUITO NETTINGS. EX 166 M.G. PROGRESSIVE N. Country Company wfih Iron and Steel and Non-Fcrrous Foundries and Machintns Departments and excellent facilities for developing, new lEnet would welcome Ideas from any Consult'njt Engineers wlih business to place: generous terms for iccncmes.
MANCHESTER 3 PATENT For Sale. Beam Lifting Device for Textile Trade. EO 90 Manchester Guardian. PRESS Cutting Agency urgently required by Institute of Personnel Management, Hill Street London W. 1, to undertake search of classified advertisements in leadms National and i-rovinciai t-apers.
JAMA Manul Flannelette Pviamas For Sale: ftrst-clntc turn out: delivery under 7 days. WB 278 M.G. RAINCOATS AND MACS. Wanted by Stores for prompt payment. Ladies'.
Gents' and Children's lines for Salea. large or small clearing lines. EY 169 Manchester Guardian. RAYON LININGS Substantial Stocks Wanted. Spot caih.
U.K. orttftn. Maximum price 17d per square yard. Full details to EX 44 Manchester Guardian. REQUIRED.
Siock or Coming Round: Cotton Sateen, 10 W0 vards. 37iln. 71 92. i2s 30s. Address CO 131 Manchester Guardian SATIN ETT (Sucded Back), colours blue, green, and maroon.
For regular supplies inquire V.C. Products (Plastics). 9 Blaikfnars Street. Salford 3. REED MANUFACTURING BUSINESS in East Lancashire town: established 191 1 owners retirioc through ill-health: excellent prospects: audited accounts.
Full Information from WINDLE BOWKER. accountants. Ba molds wick. REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE HONGKONG. HOUSEHOLD TEXTILES AND PIECE GOODS Addr -ss WE 39 Manchester Guardian.
SCRIM 33 in. 34 IB 28 1 8 151 6I. keen quotation wanted 500 pieces. EY 160 M.G. SHIPMENT March offers Hongkong Mill 37irin.
56 6U. 2415 Soft Spun Weft iSm. 80 80, 3030. EV 1JS M.G. SMALL Shopkeepers within 25 miks radius of Buxton who wouid like to chance their present trade'are invited to discuss with Directors the possibility of becoming self-conuoHed branch of prosperous and progressive muhlple company: good income assured and excellent term, fully ufegrjardins your capital and adapted to individual requirements, as regards premises: uritievt investigation on both sides and absolute confidence guaranteed.
ET 111 M.G. STOCK Lots of Check Lining and Pocketme Required by rutnwear manufacturers. GC 125. TEXTILE Convener offers COTTON PRINTS in lotely designs alio Dyed Fancy Weave Vat Colour Spuns. 2427m.
Split Cotton Prints. 3643in. Check Gmvtwm. Whue Cambric 92 92, 6060 combed; 36in. White Downproof Cambric.
Tic Cktb for ladies' dresses, various designs Printed Crepe 356in wide. 4in. Heavy Curtain material printed on spun rayon 356in Printed Spun Rayons In various designs, 356in. Primed Stripe Satins: all from stock: suitable for export or home trade: very competitive prices. ET 19 Manchester Guardian.
A well-established New Zealand firm of manufacturers' agents is open for agencies covering the following ranges of goods SHIRTINGS AND PYJAMAINCS Men's plain, printed and woven striped shirtmgs and pyjamaings to include novelties for the juvenile and men's sports wear. PLAIN AND PRINTED COTTONS AND RAYONS For the women's trade in frocks and blouses, sports and beach wear PLAIN AND PRINTED AND STRIPED WINCEYETTE AND FLANNELETTES For the juvenile, women's and men's trade. EV 63 Manchester Guardian WAN rED FROM STOCK, offers of IO0S Type Spun 56m. wide send cuttings and towcfri price. EX 34 MancheweT Guardian.
WANTED. 5.000 to 10.000 yard of Printed Spun, quality IU35. con'emporary dejisns. in white, peach, blue and primrose: all replies HCknowledcred EX 147 Manchester Guardian. WANTED.
HEAVY DUPJON, either dved or lonm'fie uo to 100 lumps. EX 107 M.G. WANTED. 36in or 54In. Floral Lingerie Crem most be stock: small or large quantities considered all replies acknowledged.
Adores EX 56 Manchester Guardian WAITED. Itrge quantities, regular supply ol 47yflin Grey Cloth, Empire origin, approximately SS 4g 42i and 36s: Rive price, delivery, etc. Address EX 8 Manchester Guardian. iXE A using 8s (16 cotton beam cone desires correct independent spinner: view to joint worktrrg WD 348 M.G. WE will purchase to' cash vour medium priced faulty ire cloths cotton or artificii) vai-n Arvires DD im Manchester Guardian 8 p.a..
tin free professional man controlling multiple company which is rapidly expand Inn in Manchester area Invites Inquiries from investors; bankers', solicitors', and chartered accountants' references. EX 82 M.G. 36in. Cambrics. Hatrcords.
Rayon GEnehonj required for Poruuwese East Africa. EX 104 36in. Fancy Dobby Spuns. suitable for shirtins. required for export OA 2 M.G.
3 SIN Cotion Check Linirw Cravenette Shower proofed For Sale Xft noo vords. EB 5d 90Z. BLEACHED DUCK 1.600 yards stock tn clear at 40d or near offer: replacement nrice 47d HT 185 Manchester Guardian 200 PIECES Looms late 1005. Dyeing Oualiiv-nrire atniV on "couT FT ft -1005 DYEING QUALITY. SUPEITOR MAKE 75.0unvd5-.
7M4 days: t5id. wu mi M.ti in.ntio O.OOO yd. 37in. 72 60 2424. 4P 0OO id.
36ln. 60 60 20J20. 161d nana Kcmg Grey Plains: stocic Mancnester Public Offices and institutions KING EDWARD VII SCHOOL. LYTHAM. Laboratory Steward required as toon as poistble.
Salary accord Ens to qualification and experience. Apply to the Headmaster. ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER lFEM ALfc i required at above Me Ma I Hospital Preference gnen to holder of Diploma in Domestic Sc hence or Certificate In Institutional Management with wide experience of ea terms Salary 450 15 495 per annum less UJu if resident Annual leave IS das plus Bank Holidas. Supcrannuable Dctatls of professional qualifications. experience and names and addresses of two refereea to the undersicned not later than February 7.
955 JOHN MASON Secretary LEEDS REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD Applications are invited for the follow) nc appointments ASSISTANT ENCINLER 600 S6M. Applicants must hold the Corporate Member Ship of the Institution of Cml Lnsinecr or Mechanical Engineers or Structural Engineers or Heatina and Ventilailnp EnK'neers: applicants who have not attuned the Corporate Membership of their professional institution are eligible for appointment provided they are (or have been having ceased to be tor other than discipline reasons graduated members of one of the above institutions and have passed one of the tallowing examinations Final Parts 1 and II of the Institution of Civil Encincers. Sections A and of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution ox Mechanical engineers. Associate Membership Examination of the institution at structural tnKtnccrs or Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Experience necessary in the preparation of Working Orawinss.
Designs. Specifications. Surveys. Estimates, for Heating and Hot Water Services. Boiler Plant.
Ventilating, etc. tb) DRAUGHTSMAN (360 5451. Applicants appointed to this grade must have had suitable training including three years technical experience in engineering dravvinc or archi'ecturaj drawing: site or workshop experience as well is drawing office experience also necessary. The above scales are at present under review. Applications, stating Hge, experience, qualifications, together with the names and addresses of two referees 10 be sent to the Secretary ir the Board, Park Parade.
Harrogate, bj not later than January 31. 1955. LIVERPOOL REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD. Applications invited for the followins stall at the Replonal Blood Transfusion Centre. 102-4 Whiiechapci.
Liverpool al SENIOR LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (male ai Cemilc should be experienced who hold the Fellowship of the I.M.LT Salary within the scale 540-625 according to previous experience. (h) LABORATORY TLCHMCIANS (male or female) (two). These rosts provid; an excellent opportunity for Associate Members of the I.M.L.T. to study for Final Diploma in Haematolofsy and Blood Transfusion Technique. Salary within the scale 45tl-5l5 according to previous experience.
Applications, statins ajtc. qualifications, present and prev ious appointments, and clearly statins post applied for. to reach me at 19 James Street Liverpool 2. by January 27, 1955. VINCENT COLLINGE.
Secretary to the Board. LOTKIANS RIVER PURIFICATION BOARD. Applications -arc invited (or the post ol RIVER INSPECTOR for the area ol the Board. Salary 13 1.0Ot 1 50 jnd the siatulory qualifications are corporate membership of the Royal Institute ot Chemistry and of the Institute of Stwaiie Purification Candidates with other appropriate qualifications may be considered. The superannuation scheme involves medical examip3i0n Apphcattons, sivinc age, qualifications, appointments held twuh dates and salaries), akmn uiLh ieimontal should reach the Clerk.
Lathians REvcr Punficntion Board, City Chambers. Hish Street Ldinburgb 1. not later than February 2S. I 5S STOR RAR Clerk ot the Board. AMENDED ADVERTISEMENT.
MANCHESTER CORPORATION. CITY SURVEYOR ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT. Apnticatmns arc invited for trie post ot iCNIOR CHIEF ASSISTANT VALUER (salary ranee 1.202 10sM12 10s per annum)- Final examination of the Royat Institution of Chartered Surveyors (Valuation Division) or other ipproprlate qualification Considerable experience in the acquisition of properties for public purposes desirable Apply statins a Re, education, qualifications, and experience, together with the names of three persons to whom reference may be made, to the Town Clerk. Town Hall, Manchester renvelopc cdved Assistant by February 7. 1915 Previous applicants need rot re apply, as their applications w-i! receive consideration.
Cnnvassinc is prohibited. AlESTErt CORPORATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the position of Psychiatric Social Worker sole charce the Mental Health Service Salary in accordance with the recommendations of the Professional and Technical Council A Applicants about to quahfv will be considered Details and Forms of application, which should oe returned by January 29. 1 Q55. endorsed Psychiatric Social Worker." may be obtained from the Medical OITicer of Health Town Hall Manchester 2 Canvassins is pronioitea iuinnr.FSBROUGH EDUCATION 1.V1 COMMITTEE. Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for tne tonowins vacancies in ine Education Architect's office.
Anpotnlmcnis will be made within the grades os. indicated subject to qualifications and A P.T Grade IV. 675 825. 0 THREE ASSISTANT ARCHITECTS. v.P.T.
Grade III. 600 725 (cl ONE ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT. A.P.T. Grade I. 500 580.
HOUSING ACCOMMODATION is available lor post la) and one of posts (b). An excellent opportunity is ouereo tor participation in the MiddlesbrouKh School Buildins Proitrammc. Application forms and particulars miiy be obtained Irom tbe Director of Education. Education Olfices. Woodlands Road.
Middlesbrough, to whom completed forms should he returned not later than Februari 7. 1955. MINISTRY OF SUPPLY requires Lnfuncer at London Headquarters to tn procurement planning or Licet nc Overhead Cranes and associated equipment, preparation of specifications and examination o( tender. British of British parents. Recognised engineering apprenticeship and A.M.I Meeh or E.E.
or exempting qualifications. Practical experience desianina overhead electric cranes essential. Salary within 675 (age Not established but opportunities to compete for establishment may arise. Application forms from M.L S. Technical and Scientific Reamer (K.
2ft Kins Street. London S.W. 1. quoting C2695JA Closinjt date February 5. 1955.
NATIONAL COAL BOARD. Vacancies exist at the Central Research Establishment Stoke Orchard, near Cheltenham, for ihe following: PHYSICISTS. CHEMISTS. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS The posts offer good prospects with attractive rates of nay.
Write, Riving full particulars of education, qualifications, and experience to the above address, quoting reference TT913. Further particulars may be obtained from the above address Applications arc invited for the post ol GROUP ALMONER The person appointed will work pnnopallv at rjie Victoria Central Hospital Wallasey 'L35 beds) and will be responsible for the urHTiicion of the Medical Social WorV in the Group Certificate of ihe Institute ot Hospital AEmnnc-s is essential Salary 465 rising bv annual increments of 15 to a maximum oE 555 per annum Applications givinc full detail ol rmallrtcaiinm. to settle- with the name of three referees, to be cni to the Secretary to the Manaaemcrvt Committee Mill Lane Hospital. Mill Eon. Wallasey not la ter na eve days after the appears nee of this advertisement OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL CHILDREN'S CARE COMMITTEE.
RESIDENT FOSTER MOTHERS required at Caldicott House, ShiUinaford. and Morland House. Wheatley. Children' Homes In Oxfordshire. Salary 350 by 15 to 410 per annum.
Iesps 108 per annum board and lodging charge. Preference will be given to Home Otncc training or some other recognised qualifications. All appointments superannuate and subject to medical examination. Application forms obtainable from the County Children' Officer. 103 Banbury Road.
Oxford. GERALD GALE BURK1TT Clerk nf the Council Counts Hall. Oxford January 14. 1955. ROYAL TECHNICAL COLLLGL SALFORD Principal P.
F. enables. B.Sc Ph F.R.I. C. Applications are invited (or the post of SUPERVISOR in the Coece Canteen.
The canteen which is used (or the training ol Catering students, is under ihc direction ol the Head of the Domestic Studies Department. Applicants should have had previous experience in catering for large numbers and preferably should hold an institutional Management Certificate or other similar qualification Salary 395 to 460 per annum, plus addition-! I 30 per annum for an approved qualification Applications giving oeiaus oi one. cuuwuuh, training, and experience, accompanied by copies of two testimonial-, should be sent to the Principal as soon as possihte R. RIBBLESDALE THORNTON. CletK to the Govctnott.
SENIOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER CIV1L) required by the Abyan Boaid Wem Aden Protectorate for one lour of iwo ears lr the first instance with orosoect of further lona-term contract Salary scale inciuding pay dlHerentiol) mm to T.7SB a jeir contmenclnj salary according to F. qualifications and experience: free passages: provident fund liberal leave on full salary no income tax Candidates must be A.M I E. or have passed Parts I and II of qualifying examination or hold exempting qualifications rhey must have had experience fn hydraulic engineering, preferably in irrigation works, and be capable of preparing and checking the design of irrigation channels and their regulators and brtdgintr a knowledge of road construction would be an asset Write to the Crown Agents. 4 Miltbanlc London S.W. 1: state age.
name in block letters, full qualifications and experience nnd quote 2B 40405 1 MA. Southern Rhodesia Government VACANCIES FOR MALE CLERKS. Pe rma pensiona be vaca les wi th good career prospects exist for young men 17-19 tup to 21 if rejeosed N.S. in last twelve months) with School Certificate or G.C.E. wtth English.
Mathematics and two other eubjects at level. A bent for figures ts desirable as the vacancies are in Accounts Offices Starting salary scale actual starting point depending on educational qualifications. Hostel accommodation, includins board, approximately 16 monthly. Application form and further details from the Secretary. Rhodesia House.
429 Strand. London Completed forms to be returned by February lfL SINGAPORE CITY COUNCIL. GAS -DEPARTMENT. Applications are Invited for appointment of SHIFT ENGINEER. Simtapore Gas Works, on three years1 agreement, normally followed by appointment to permanent staff tf suitable.
Age aboul 30. Candidates must be good practical carbonisers with several years' experience operation and maintenance of horizontal retorts. C.W.G.. and other auxiliary plant. Initial salary 770 or 826 per annum depending on age.
practical knowledge, and experience plus current allowances amounting to 699 or 71 respectively per annum for a married man with family. Free passages for officer appointed and family aubfect to certain limits, generous leave. Contributory provident fund. Further particulars from Messrs Allen and Williams, 1 Victoria Street. London S.W.
1. Full applications in duplicate before Tuesday. February 15. 1955. AND SANITARY INSPECTOR.
Applications are Invited from suitably qualified persons for the above appointment at a salary in accordance with Grade II of the National Scale of Salaries commencing at 600 per annum. A knowledge of Water Administration and Sewage Disposal is desirable. The appointment will be subject to the provisions of the Local Government Superannuation Acts. National Scheme of Conditions of Service and the passing of a medical examination. Housing accommodation Is Immediately available.
Applications staling age, qualifications and experience and accompanied by two testimonials should reach the undersigned by February 5. 1955. J. MAN DALE. Clerk of the Council.
Council Offices. Brlmcall, near Chorley. January IS, 1955. of and 13 an is th 3t 1 THE High. Commissioner for India tnvites TENDERS far the supply of sjuanmy Not.
DISC. STEEL for 20mm. Cartrldse Cases TYPE P. made from aluminium killed nan-ageing, electro quality deep drawing steel (diameter 0.1mm.. thickness 0.05mm.) 600,000 Forms of tender ma be obtained from the Director-General.
India Store Department, Government Building. Bromiard Avenue. Acton, London W.3, on or afrer January 21. 1955. at fee of 10-.
which is not returnable. If payment made by cheque, it should please be made payable to High Commissioner for India." Tenders are to be delivered by 2 p.m. on Friday. February IB. 1955 Please uote Refe re nee 3 JS Si DH i 3.
UPPLY I NG and FIX IN JOIN ERY FITTINGS at Roissendale Colleae of Further Education. ERECTION of TWO ADDITIONAL CLASSROOMS with HEATING CHAMBER and LAVATORY ACCOMMODATION at Ashton-undcr-L ne Waterloo County School. Contractors deftinna to tender for ony of these contracts should nuke application to the County Architect. Box No. 26.
County Hall. Preston, not later than 10 30 a m. on February I 1955. quoting rcf AIMG IANCASKJRE COUNTY -J COUNCl L. TENDERS will be INVITED from selected Firms for: ERECTION of TWO ADDITIONAL CLASSROOMS at Penketh and Sankey County School.
FLOOR AREA JS.290 sq. ft. at ta) Demon Haughton Green (b PadKate. FOUNDATION'S. DRAINAGE.
AND BOILFR HOUSE in the ERECTION of a PREFABRICATED SPECIAL SCHOOL at Worelcj FOUNDATIONS AND DRAINAGE fn the ERECTION of a PREFABRICATED PRACTICAL ROOM at Prescot Grammar School. RENEWAL OF WOOD BLOCK FLOORING at Fallsworth Secondary Modern School. Contractors desiring to tender for any of these contracts should make application to the County Architect. P.O. Box No.
26. County Hall, Preston, not later than to 30 a.m. on February 1. 1955. quotina ret.
ERECTION of POLICE GROITP GARAGE for 2U VEHICLES tPart 1) ar Accruiaton- Coniractura dwinttK to tender lor any of these contracts should make application id the County Architect, P.O. Box No. 20, County Hall, Preston, not later Hun ID Mi a.m. on I ebruarv 1. 1955.
quotins rcf. AMG. MACCLESFIELD DISTRICT HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. TENDER I-OR SUPPLIES TENDERS are INVITED for undermentioned goods Jiid material io following hospitals West Park Branch Maccleslield Hospital. Infirmary Branch 'Maccleslield Hospital Moss Lane Hospital.
Macclestirld War Memorial Hospital. ConRlcion Wcit Heath Hospital, Congleton. CottJiji: Hospital, Alderlcy Ediie. Collar House, Prcstbury. PERIOD APRIL I.
1955-MARCH 31. 1956 Groceries, Provisions. Bread Patent Foods. Meat Extract. Biscuits Hour Fish.
Fruit Squashes, Jams and Miirm.iUdc. Tea. Milk. Electric Lamps. Electrical I minus.
Paints and Brushes. Plumbers Sundries Surpical Dressings. PERIOD JULY I. 1955-JUNE 3U 1956. Coa and Cuke.
Contractor may tender to supply ALL hospitals or (a' Macclesfield hospitals, or b) Congleton hospitals, or fc) Cottage Hospital, Alderlcy Edjie. Apply Immediately for forms required to Group Secretary. Willerby House." Cumberland Street, Macclesfield. Completed tenders to be returned addressed to Chairman at same address not later than Friday. Fehruary II.
1955. pOUNTY BOROUGH OF OLDHAM. SURVEVORS AND BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION SHAW ROAD SEWER PROM EDGE LANE ROAD TO SPENCER STREET TENDERS are INVITED for the above work, uhich consists of the CONSTRUCTION of jpprnximately 162 ARDS of 33in. diameter CONCRETE PIPES, of approximately 7 yards aj-e in ncadmc tonciher with associated MANHOLES and DROPSHAFTS.
General conditions of contract, specification, jnd bills of quantities may be obmEncd from the Horouah Ensinecr and Surveyor. 75 Union Street. Oldham on payment of a deposit of 2 which will be returned on receipt of a bonandc tender not subsequently withdrawn and the return of all the tender documents Tenders will only be considered if they are iibmitted in the envelope provided sealed avd delncrcd to the Chairman of the Sureors and i lii 3d i "is Committee, co The Borouah Engineer Survrvor. not later than Friday February 4. he Corporation do not bind thcmsclvea to jucept he lowest or any tender The contract ill be subject to the siardmir orders of the ounctl which include a requirement in this case for ihe provision of stircire buwAKu main ls lown Cterfe.
NTY BOROUGH OF OLDl! AM HOUSING COMMITTFF. AGSTON ROAD EXTENSION F1TTON HILL TENDERS are INVITED Irom experienced 'inl Encineermc fTnniratinrjs fnr 1 STRUCTION of a NEW ESTATE ROAD, todciher -with 275 LINEAL YARDS of mm, and 12in diameter PIPE SEWERS Conies of the form of lender. crvrHflriinn conditions of contract, and b.lls of quantities mav be obtained from the Untouch rfwiwr nH S'ln'cyor 75 Union Street. Oldham, on payment 01 a deposit of t2 2s. which uiii be returned on receipt of a bona-flde complete tender and priced bill of Quantities not suh-ieoinilv with drawn, and the return therewith of all documents supplied Cheques etc to be crossed and made payable to the BoroiiRh Treasurer Copies of the plans may be seen during normal office hours at the amce ot tnc Uoroush Engineer and Surveyor Tenders will onlv kc considered provided that ney are submitted in a plain sealed envelope, endorsed Tender for Racsmne Road Frfrininn." addressed to ihc Chnrman of the Housing Com mittee co inc JJoroiipn i.nmnecr and Surveyor, and received not Uiter than ID am on Saturday.
January 29. 1955 The Corporatfon ao not hind thcmsei to accept the lowest or any tender and the contract a ill be stihjeci to the standing orders of the Council EDWARD HAINES. Town Clerk. BOROUGH OF HEYWOOD. TLNDERS FOR STORES.
The Corporation of this borough are prepared 10 RECEIVE TENDERS from persons willing to contract for the SUPPLY of the following MATERIALS for a period of twelve months endina March 31. 1956: Granlie Cbtppinps. Setts, Flans, and Kerbs (local stone. Broken Stone Earthenware Pipes. Traps and Gullies, Bends.
Junctions and Taper Pipes. and Cold Sprays. Filled Bitument or Filled Pitch. Asphalt Surfacing (laid). Limestone Chtppinus.
Portlnnd Cement (British standard specification) Ciu iron nnd Ventilator Covers. Guides. Grids, etc. Pnr.nbn Oil. Sc.ivenscr Brooms.
RchIK for Mechanical Sweeper. liiacKsmun's Work Pamt and Vnrmth. etc. Concrete Flaits (granite, hydraultcally pressed) and Concrete Kerbs. Tarmacadam and Surfnce Dresstna.
Samples and specifications may be seen and torm of tender obtained on application to Mr. a Mtddlcton, A.M.I. CX-. Boroujth Engineer and Surveyor. Municipal Buildings.
Hey wood, nnd applications, accompanied by addressed footsc.ip envelopes, to oe maoe oeiore rcoruary 2.. iv? Contractors tcndcrinit for the work must pay their workpeople at least the standard or tride union rate of wages and observe the conditions which attach to the various kinds of work for which this tender is sent in. enclosed in niatn sealed envelopes endorsed ''Tenders tor Stores." must be delivered nt this omcc not later man iiuuraay. reoruary a. 1955.
endoritd in accordance with me specification. 1 he corporation 00 not oma tncmscivcs iu accept the Lowest or any tender. w. rrttukciv, a own Municipal Buildings. Hey wood.
January 15. 1955. WORK WANTED (316 per line) CiENTRE LATHE and Jig Boring available for immediate delivery. EJ 51 CAPACITY Available Universal Grinding. Shapimc.
Turning. Milline. Prompt deliveries. Tel. tMc) RUSholme 1726.
IEYLANDS FOR GLASS ot all kind Plate. Sheet Embossins. Sians. Leaded Llphis Talhot Stretford. LON 32! I PRESSWORK to 120 TONS.
PitiESS BRAKE to Hft. Jin. Fabrications. Shot Blast and Metal Finlsb. lool-makina; new Fully Univ.
Millers (A.l ROEVAC. Tel. Denton 3K57S. Manchester. EPUTABLE Ladies Clothing sli V) contact Wholesalers JL Manufacturers CM T.
15O-200 Mantles. Cost jmes. and Rainwear per week. Keen costings or man-ship guaranteed. WB 29S Manchester Guardian SHEET-METAL WORKERS have capacity availjbic cirl delivery: competitive prices; accurate workmanship PARK SHEET METAL COMPANY.
Rochdale Tel. LUtrCborouah 8H6 A.l.D. approved. AIR TRAVEL 36 per itnet FLY OVERNIGHT ro MADEIRA AeKJit 4-enslned luxury Hytns-boEt services from Southampton to whisk you away over nigh' from Britain's wintry gloom. Hotel -ates which leave vou loti to spend from vour foreign currency allowance Full details from vour Travel Agent or AQUILA AIRWAYS.
1 GREAT CUMBERLAND PLACE. LONDON 1 PAPdlnaton 7040 MOTOR TOURS fjffj pet ttnei II ILLS Self-Drive Hire Service. CEN J3I5 Special rates for hrislnes users 14-SEATER Luxury Coach with heater and radio for Private Hire, also latest-type J5-seatcrs ALTRINCHAM COaCH-WAYS, ISO Washway Road. Sale, Telephone LUS3 or 1393. all the be 91 I A BUSINESS CAREER.
Training In Shorthand-Typtns. all Commercial Sub jects: individual tuition: special courses, shortbana ipeeds GREENWOODS COLLEGE, John Dittos Street. Manchester. BLA 3190. ANNE KIRSTEN, a.l.c.m.
jTa Drama. Elocution. Students orenared for examinations. Tr amine for staee. screen.
Broadcast, with professional artist. 11 Alexandra Road South. Manchester 16. Tel. MPS 2559.
ERCHANT NAVY TRAINING 1TX SCHOOL. Overseas Brooks's Bar, Mic. CHETHAM'S HOSPITAL SCHOOL-Vy (The Combined SchooSs of Che item's Hospital and Nieholls Hospital) Manchester J. ADMISSIONS IN SEPTEMBER. 1955.
ome boa rdi ne a nd day pla ces it a I nde- pendent Biuccon Gruminir will be available tn Sep ember 1955 Candidates for admission ujll be examined on the folio in dates: MAIN SCHOOL lbon nho )I1 be oer It but under 12 jears of ac on September 1, 1955). FRIDAY. MARCH II. TUN 1 OR SCH (bova who will be ove seven but under 11 ears of ase on September 1. 19551.
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25. The places offered will be: Main School, mainly resident: Junior School, mainly day. For details and forms of application apply to House Ooternor. enclosing a stamped addressed foolscap envelope.
Completed forms to returned not later than February 12. UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE. DJ1TION BY POST. U.C C. provides Courses of Preparation for GENERAL CERTIFICATE -OF EDUCATION (Ordinary and Advanced Levels) NORTHERN UNIVERSITIES J.M London Oxford.
Cambridge, and others Also for LONDON UNIVERSITY DEGREES B.A.. B.Sc.Econ.. LL.B-. B.D B.Mus. (open without residence! Professional Preliminary Enatneerina Service.
Local C5nvi. Teachers' Diplomas. The College, founded IH87. has a stafl of highly qualified Tutors Law fees: irutalments. Prospectus post free from Registrar, BURLINGTON HOUSE.
CAMBRIDGE PENGWERN COLLEGE, Trefnant, Denbigh. North Wales. Boardins School for Girls. Spring Term begins on January 17 Principal: J. Ltvsey, L.L.A.
N.F.U. Hr. SHIPPING 3(6 per line FYFFES LINE (o JAMAICA BARBADOS and TRINIDAD ELDERS 1 FES. LTD. 15 Stratton London 1 or Travel Aacnta fiO by yf from 7 SEA to U.S.A.
CANADA West Indies from 65. South Africa. Bermttda. ndia Far East Ca nary Ic la nds a nd Madeira Cruises from 25 C.O 220 Kensington Hish Street. W.
RYNDAM FEB 10 tS.S MAASDAM MAR 12 1S.S. RYNDAM MAR. 26 Calling at Cobh Calling at Halifax. For full particulars apply Local Aacnt or HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE. ISO Pall Mall, London S.W.
1. Tel. WHI 1972. MANCHESTER LINERS LIEGULAR SERVICE CANADA U.S.A. (Freight and Passenger Accommodatlonj Canadian Great Lakes (Freight only) MANCHESTER LINERS.
LTD. Sf ANN'S SQUARE. MANCHESTER. BLA 1641 Nauticus. Manchester.
TOURS AND CRUISES USo per Une HOLIDAYS AFLOAT. Star Fleet Luxury Cruiiers Drive yourself. Weekly hohdais. Illustrated W. BATES and SON.
Undue Wharf. Chertscy. HOLLAND offers delightful holidays at reasonable costs Excellent sea and air routes. Comfortable, moderately priced hotels. Excellent Food Golf.
Tennis. Sea bathing. Famous bulbhctds Punctual and cheap Rail Services. Netherlands National Tourtst Office (Box 23). 38 Hyde Park Gate, London S.W.
7 SWITZERLAND An attractive ramie of inexpensive holiday! at charming Lakeside Hotels Inclusive 10-day tours trom tzs "ait-in." 10 aays irom ty is oa witn unique and low ost excursion arrangements to Venice. Lake Como. Liechtenstein, etc Saturday afternoon departures from London wlib convenient return times allowina travel to North same day. Easier onwards SWISS HOTEL AND TRAVEL --BUREAU. Vincent House.
Vincent Square. London S.W I HAULAGE, REMOVALS. (Jib per fine) RETURN Load Manchester London required new Levland 1 5 -ton Anvculated Eieht Whe-let: 2-3 reaular Jouroeis per week desirable: attractive rate. Hiles and 52 Clarendon Road. Watford Telephone Watford 5503.
DISTANCE REMOVALS and STORAGE PICKFORDS countrywide door-to-door services still available Branches everywhere Free estimates and advice. MM? Gro5venor Street Manchester (Tel ARDwick 2283-5): OJkfield Road. Altrlncham (ALT 700: 55 WellinRiori Road rJnrih Sioctoon Tel STOckport 2A47) NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES ORDER. 1952 The engagement of persons answering these advertisements must be made through a Local 0'ce of the Ministry of Labour or a Scheduled Employment Agency, if the applicant is a "man aged 18-64. inclusive or a woman aged 18-59 inclusive unless he or she.
or the employment, is excepted from the provisions of the Notification of Vacancies Order, 1952 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Educational fJS6 per (met MANCH ESTER rfITY OI EDUCATION COMMIITLE. Required ippointment Child Guidance Service SiNIOR PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER with Mental Health Certificate ol London Univetitty or Certificate for Psychiatric Socnl Workers of University of Manchester or University of Edinburgh, and having not less than two years experience. Salary 625 20 to 725 Forms of application and other information may he obtained (stamped addressed envelope) from the Chief Education Officer. P.O. Box 480, Education Offices.
Deanscate. Manchester 3. to be returned by February 4. 1954. FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL.
624 Girls. Required, probably for three weeks. Assistant Mistress or Master for Senior Latin, if possible to advanced standard: level Greek desirable but not essential Applications, giving lull particulars ot qualifications and copies of testimonials, should be sent immediately to Miss L. BRADLEY. Fairfield High School for Girts, Droybden.
Nr. Manchester DEQUIRED in March, a Teacher fo take aeneral subject1; in Independent Primary School. North Manchester. WP 354 M.G. RiPON TRAINING COLLEGE.
Applications arc invited from suitably qualified Me ft or Women for the post of LECTURER or SENIOR LECTURER in BIOLOGY, vacant in September. 1955 Die post can be resident or non-resident, bui residen cc is not a a i la bie for men. Salary in accordance with the Training College scale. Forms ot application and particulars may be obtained from the Principal (Miss V. N.
Hall. M.A.). the Trainimt ollette Ripon, Yorks. and should be returned Uhln three weeks of the appearance of this advertisement HILARY'S. Aldcrley Edjte.
Headmistress's Secretary required for April or earlier. Apply Headmistress THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. Applications arc Invited for the SIR WILLTAM MATHER CHAIR OF RUSSIAN, which will become vacant upon the retirement of Professor Samuel Dohrin on September 30. 1955 Salarv not less than 1.90 per annum (subject to ihc approval of the Revised Scales for Universitv Silniiesl Membership of F.S.S.U. and Children Allowance Scheca.
Applications tone copy onlv should be sent not later than 1 hs 10 trie Rcnittrar. the Universitv. Manchester I from whom further particulars may oc opc iincu THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS. DEPART MINT OF SOCIAL STUDIES. Applications are invited for appointment as Lecturer or Assistant Lecturer fn Sociology, the salary on appointment to be accordtns to qualm' cations and experience: the salary scales are at present under review.
Applications tlhree copies), statins date of birth, qualities Lions, and experience, together with the names of three referees, should reach the Registrar, The University. Leeds 2 (from whom further particulars may be obtained), not later than February 26. 1955. LANCASHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Applications are invited for the following posts- GRAMMAR SCHOOLS.
CLrTHEROE GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL U5U iris. Required in September. 1955, Graduate Mistress to teach Blolosy to ordinary level and to take some General Science in middle and lower school forms. Letters of application, accompanied bv three recent testimonials and names of two ens to whom reference may be made, should be sent to the Headmistress, Miss W. M.
L. Lumb. M.A.. S.Th.. at the school HINDLEY ABRAM GRAMMAR SCHOOL 1543 U3M and Girls).
Senior Chemistry Master or Mistress required permanently from September 1 (May 1, if pusslblel. Special allowance available. Applications will be considered for a temporary appointment fur the period May I to August 31. Forms ol application from the Divisional Education Officer. Garswood House.
Atherton Road. Hindley. near Wigan, Lancashire, to whom they should be returned by February 7, 1955 MAGHULL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. (Co-educuiional School Three Form Entry; opened September 1. 1954.
with first jeox intake.) Required for September. 1955 (1) Qualified Assistant Master or Mistress for Senior Mathematics. Oi Quahlied Assistant Master or Mistress for Senior English. (3) Qualified Assistant Master: Physical Education specialist and General Subjects. Special allowance available for suitable appoint ments in respect of senior posts.
Applications as soon as po-ulble, but not later than two weeks after this advertisement, to Mr W. A. Dean, Divisional Education Officer. 3 Derby Street. OrmsOrk A.
L. BINNS. County Education Officer. County Hall. Preston.
UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA. Applications arc Invited for the position of LECTURER IN ENGLISH. The Lecturer will be required to work in the field of English Literature, fn which a tutorial system Is being developed. The salary for a Lecturer Is within the range of per annum, with annual increments of A50.
The salary is subject to deductions under the State Superannuation Act. The commencing salary will be fixed according to the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Finance available for home purchase under Staff Members Housing Scheme. Further particulars and information as to the method of application may be obtained from the Secretary. Association of Universities of "the British Commonwealth.
5 Gordon Square. London W.C. 1, The closing date for the receipt of applications, in Australia and London, ii February 26. 1955. WARRINGTON EDUCATION COMMITTEE.
BOTELER GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOVS Required for May or September. 1955, Senior History Master to be responsible for the subject throughout the school. At present a special allowance of 75 per annum Is awarded to the holder of this post. Forms of application may be obtained from the undersigned upon receipt of a stamped addressed foolscap envelope and should be returned within fourteen days. H.
M. PHILL1PSON, Chief Education Officer. Education Office. Sankey Street. Warrington.
for tor ma ia THE ORGANISATION FOR LUROPFAN ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION. Parts. itl bold 01 Examination for lanroaBe ShDnhand-Typists in London, and possibly Ed nbursh in March next. Speeds 310JSO 'on m.ttriruJn ecsndard. Pirticulars ind forms of application on request frrt-n Personnel Division.
E.E.C. 2 rue Andre Pascal. Parts 16 THE UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY Canenhurst, near Chester, requires a CIVIL ENGINEER (main erade) to be responsible to the General Services Engineer for all factory enKincerinn work, tncludina maintenance of roads, drains, sewage plant, structures estates, and housing QUALIFICATIONS: A recognised apprenticeship or equivalent train tnc and Corporate Membership of the Institution of Ciwl Ensineers. Candidates should have had managerial expert-ence in a larcc works and be capable of estitnat-inc and pre par ins specification 1 and schedules of work for execution by direct labour RATE OF PAY: 1 .065 1 .370. The successful candidate will be required to join the Authontv's contributory pension scheme.
Applications to UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. Industrial Group Headquarters. PO Uo 19 Rislev Warrineton. quotins 7S2 AUTHORITY at Calder Works. Cumberland.
eauircs a Foreman to be responsible to an Electrical Engineer for the maintenance of ill electrical equipment. Applicants should have served a recognised electrical engineering apprenticeship and have had experience in the maintenance of electrical distribution "items in a larse works: they should be miliar wun m. 1 switcnpear. iranwormers wno H.T. motors, and have a knowledge of icsiinf protection, relays, and power mcterins.
Possession of a National Certificate in electrical cnsineerimi mav be an ndvantuce Rate a( pa; 710-83IX The successful candidate will be required to join the Authority's contributory pension scheme. Applications to United Kingdom Atomic Eners Authority. Industrial Group Headquarters. PO Box 19. Risle.
WarnnRton. quoting 7S4. The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority invites applications for a CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER to take charge of an Administrative Branch about to be set up In its Operations Group ai Risley The Operations Group controls a number ol large lactories. and the Administrative Branch will have an interest in ihc staffing pntiCy labour conditions trade union rclation-ships. transport, canteens, hostels .1 luvinc for thrse fnttorics: it ill slsn have a responsibility for nudcetcirv control ol expenditure at the Cn.
tones, and the interpretation of cost results Applicants shoulo have bad practical experience of factory organisation. in a responsible capacity, and be capable of advising senior executive technical staff on the various administrative questions arisins In a large industrial organisation: an accountancy qualification is not essential but mav be an advantage Sain ry vvi II hr assessed within he range l.7O0-2.000 per annum, and ihc successful candidate will be required to join the Authority's contributory pension scheme: a house will be available in a reasonable ime. the successful candidate If married. Anolicjllnns to THE UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. Industrial Group Headquarters.
P.O Box 19 Rlslev Warrington quoting 785 THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS. 1 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION. Applications arc invited from suitably qualified men and women for appointment to the above post. The salary, which will be fixed according lo qualifications and experience, will be on a scale which is at present under review, hut which it is expected will rise by annual increments of 50 trom 1-250 to tl.fiso and then, bv snectal resolu tion of the Council, to 1.850. The appointment carries also payment Ol cnild allowance.
AnnUcatlons (ten conies), ctatlno date of birth. qualifications, and experience, together with the na nes of three icfcrees. should reach the Retnstrar. The Universitv. Leeds 2 tfrom whom further particulars may be obtalncdL not later than l-ehruary 2.1.
1955 "THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER ASHBUKNE HALL Ur RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN STUDENTS-An plication are invited for the post Domestic Buisnr of Ashburne Hall, which accortv modaie about 2TK women students Salary within the ranpe 400 to 450 per annum with board residence, inmji sa'iry according to qualifications and experience Duties to begin April 1 1955. or such hier date as may be arranged Application- shnuld be submitted not later than February 12 ISS io the Registrar. the University. Manchester ll. from whom forms of application and further particulars may be obtained.
DISTRICT COUNCIL CHADDERTON. rr.FttK OF U'OTlKSrOKlTNfi CLERK. Ann1trai1nr nre invilerf fnr ihr nhove. annolnt- ment at a salary in accordance with the Amended Grade A.P.T. I f501-5R0 n.a Applicants shnuld be capable of supervising the construction of Housing Schemes and assisting with the records and measurement of worKS on tnc site to tacuitaie preparation oi Final accounts.
Applications, stating age. qualifications and experience, accompanied bv two recent testimo nials, should be sent to the undersigned by February 3. iv5 L. STOTT Clerk of the Council Town Ha.ll. Cha-iderton.
Lanes. January 12. 195 WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE DISTRICT. Tuior-Organir required, Preston and district area.
Salary 550-Sffl) according to experience and qualifications Closing date for application. February 19 Particulars, application form from District Secretary'. 62 Hope Street. Liverpool 1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (3t per line! ACCOUNTANT has opportunity ol Placing Investments in small but efficient firms, with full security afforded and Bood i mere sl rates (6 p.c.
to p.c.I secured multiples of 500 only considered, hut full opportunity tor investigation ollercd; mnximum investment 2 ooo. Wnlc It. H. Green A C.I.S.. 28 Adelaide Street.
Blackpool. ACTIVE and energetic Man. owner of small, efficient icxtile manufacturing ml. seeks to extend his at un-s cjr ofe- up to 30 hours per week energetic conscientious, and loyal service to anyone who can use his wide technical knowledge and experience, managerial and sales Replies will be treated with strict confidence nnd will all be answered personally. Full information from ET V9 Manchester Guardian AD LR 1'ISfcR interested gearing une ot Cotton Prints: small or large quantities Address ET 199 Manchester Guardian ADVERTISER has for disposal 200 Lumps Bleached Jlin.
CAMBRICS. 92 88, 6062. at 22d per yard. Apply Tikvah Textiles. 5d Faulkner Street.
Manchester. Tel. CENtral 2871 ADVERTISER (under t0) with business experi-nr ukhev tn acnulre Share in an established Business as Full-time Working Director: capital. available. WC 7S7 Manchester Guardian ASTOUNDING SERVICE! Any lpc of limited Co, supplied immediately.
Guaranteed no trading. 25. BUS1N ESS ECON. MGASJ. 156 Strand.
London W.C.2. Telephone 7 EM AVAILABLE 1006 TEBILISED STOCK AND DYEING TIME: 24Jd. PER YARD. Address EV 35 Manchester Guardian. AVAILABLE.
200 Lumps POPLIN. 122 64. 36s combed 40a carded. 37ln prompt. Best offer over 26d.
EX 119 Manchester Guardian BRITISH Grey DRILLS, made in Hong Kong 100 lumps 3110 for Sale I9jd- delivered Manchester: payment 14 days after delivery: also British Plain Greys made in India. and 50m same terms. WC 979 M.G. CAPITAL and Facilities Available for development established busincssei: sound businesses (any tize) required for clients. Bryant 73 Wtlktrtson Street.
Sheffield. CAPITAL profit: progressive Business requiring Funds for expansion is In unique position to offer excellent non-taxable return and ample security Address EX 87 Manchester Guardian. CASH Settlement for Clearance Lines ol any description. EO 166 Manchester Guardian. CASH FOR JOB Clearances in Teitilei.
Fents. Kces Discontinued Lines: regular collection from mills and manufacturers: immediate decision and spot cash: try our prices: no obligation A. FlalJey. 5 Elbow Street- BLA 7413 CHEMIST with Cosmetic-filling and Packing facilities to fill own bulk for small growing firm: please reply, details, address, etc. EX 52.
COMMISSION WEAVING Wanted for 3bin to 60in. looms: industrial and heavy cloths, twills, pocketing, and condensor cloths. EB 118. COMPLETE Ncon-Sian and Scientific Glass-making business for disposal, owing to ill-heallli: ready for immediate production. VC 7ol CONVERTERS offer INDIAN STOCK.
40m. 44 40 1822 lid: 55in 4S J-i IH27 I6id; 72En. 52 48 1818 271d; also White 39in 76in. Address ET 5 Manchester Guardian CONVLRTER offers Printed HEAVY LINEN. 36in.
wide at 3s 9d per yard; all kinds of White Shirtings 35M0in; Several Lines of Loom-staic Textiles. 3754in. wide: Woven-stripe Pyjamo. Poplins: Vat-dyed. Rtsmel-shrunk.
Lirobrtcs: all k'rds Woven-strtpe Poplins: all Lancashire make jnd stock ET 40 M.G. COTTON DUCKS, any weights and quantities required especially clearance linei EB 49 COTTON TAPESTRY Wanted for upholstery purpo.nes bulk ji 5s ro 6s. a yard, also an Upholstery Platform Cloth EY 151 CREDIT DRAPERY Accounts Sold fn any Lancashire area large or small quantities to suit purchaser WC 876 Manchester Guardian DIRECT Shipment availnble from Hong Kong Spinning and Weaving Mills of Poplins. Shirtings. Plains.
Raising Cloths. Drills. Jeans. Sheeting? up to 78 inch EP 164 M.G. DISTRIBUTORS in United KinBdom Warned for fuel oii treatment in rapidly expanding automotive and agricultural Diesel users market: Company's products sold extensively on Continent and in Commonwealth and Africa, also to industry in Untied Kingdom: approved by leading Diesel engine manufacturers and oil companies: principals only with established organisations: no capital required.
EX 123 Manchester Guardian DO you have ecess'v-e capital tied up stock holdings or does your production lose continuity through inefficient siorekeeplnt Modern methods of storekeeping and stock control are destsned to chmlnate such anomalies, ensure etficlencv and a continuous flow of materia from purchase to issue. We specialise En the introduction of such methods, are In no way connected with the sale of specialised and expensive machinery and. with 25 years experience to draw on. welcome detail; of your store-keeping problem. Write PARKERS STORES.
61 Aoodands Avenue. Thornton. Blackpool. ENGLISH DRILLS T527-3110 and Soz. Wanted, stock or coming round: also 50'52fn.
68 60 30f24s or 66 60 30 24s: must be 100 p.c English and certified "country of origin" ddress WC 961 Manchester Guardian. FASHION Rainwear Manufacturer have for disposal stocks of 1954 discontinued line in Rubberising Cloths. Showerproof Fabrics. Linings, for patterns and details please apply EX 74 FOR SALE. AUSTRIAN SPUN RAYON from stock; various constructions and widths: grey or finished EX 137 Manchester Guardian.
FOR ALL TYPES OF EXPORT AND PACKING AND MARINO UP BLA 6211 FOR SALE. Spun Rayon Gaberdine 131 shades light grey. light fawn, Losai. i-uvm otue. caocomie.
ana tcconas: offers wanted to clear. WD 570 M.G. new Modern Centre is in course of construction. There is close liaison wtth the Derby School of Ocrujvi Lonol Therapy, from whom itudent are received tor training. The appointment offers considerable scope and requires a person with drive and initiative Good residential accommodation is available at a moderate charge.
Applications, giving full details of previous experience and qualifications, tosetner with the names of two referees should be forwarded to the Medical Superintendent, Kingsway Hospital. Derby not later than February 5. 1955. fill vacancy as Locum in buss urban and commercial practice in Lagos, West Africa: salary-El Oo per month and all found (includes return fare, full board, service, car); possibility of permanency. Apply by air mail to Locum." co Barclays Bank, 55 Marina, Lagoi.
Nigeria. SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST required at the abce War Pensioners' Hospital, take charKe of department with one assistant. National Health Serite salary and conditions Application forms supplied on request to the Medical Superintendent the above address. NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY (475 Beds). ROYAL Chartered Phvsiotheiapist required.
Salary and conditions of seric according to Whitlev Council recommendations Applications sum inn experience and sivins names of referees, to Matron. PRESTON AND CHORLEY HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE, PRESTON ROYAL INFIRMARY. There are vacancies for two Radiographers, Applications, statinp ase and experience with names 01 two reierccs. to Group Secretary, Roal lnfirmao. Preston.
Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Matron Applicants must be R.S.C.N., S.R.N. and have had Qdministrsme experience in a rCCOB insert iminlno srhonl Whiilrv rnnwil salary and conditions. Applications, giving full particulars of qualifications and experience, together with the names of three referees, should be submitted to the Secretary. Board of Management for Glasgow and District Children's Hospitals. 86 St Vincent Streirt.
Glasgow 2, not later than February 5. 1955. PARK HOSPITAL DAVVHt If PHYSIOTHERAPIST required. The ftork is primarily for the treatment of general cases. Whitley Council salar and conditions.
Appti-cation forms from Secretary. WEST MANCHLSItR H.M.C. ECCLES AND PATRICROFT HOSPITAL. Physiotherapist required: work is mainly orthopardtc. Wh.tlcy Council salarj and conditions.
Application forms from Secretary. Park Hospital, Davyhulme. PARK HOSPITAL. DAVYHULME tucncrai riospiiai. J.J UedSL UNTRAINED PUPIL MU) WIVES AND STUDENT NURSES.
There are vacancies in the school commcncina March 22, 1955. Candidates for appointment as Pupil Midwives must be 2 ears and Student Nurses IS years. Park Hospital is a modem General Hospital and is fully equipped and approved as a complete Training School for General Nursing and Part I Midwifery Training The Midwifery Unit comprises 73 beds and there is a resident Midwifery Tutor. The nurses home provjes realty good residential und recreational facilities with an active social nroRfamme. tennis dances, etc.
Facilities are sramed to all nursina staff to practise religious dunes If desired. Salaries and conditions tn accordance with Whitley Council recommendations. Further particulars and appUcatlon forms, quoting this newspaper, from the Matron. Public Offices and Institutions tStt per ttnei CARTOGRAPHIC DRAUGHTSMAN over 2D required by the Nature Conservancy. Must be experienced draughtsman capable of plotting from aerial photographs and surveyors' notes.
Knowledge pf hand lettering desirable but not essential Starting salary between 3J2 and 402 tmenl according to age Annual increments of 20 to 482 and 15 to 595 Women somewhat less Applicanonsr giving details of sex. date of birth, education. National Service, technical training and experience, present appointment, and namea and addresses of two referees, one to speak for ability and one for character, must reach the Establishment Officer. The Nature Corwervancy. 19 Betgrave Square.
Applicants should hold a Diploma in Management or other suitable qualification, and have had experience large scale catering. Salary 375 1(1 415 per annum. Application form obtainable by sending a etamped. addressed foolscap envelope 10 JOHN G. KELlLTT.
Director of Education. County Education Oftteqs, City Road. Chester. CITY OF LEEDS CARE OF CHILDREN DEPARTMENT Applications arc invited trom mtirrted couples for the following joint appointment: Handyman, Wife lo act as Cook, at Glcdhow Granite, a home situated in Liduett Lane. Leeds K.
which accommodates 20 educationally sub-normal bos of school aftc. Experience with or interest tn children is esiential An unfurnished cottuec is available at 1 rcaionabJc rent. Wijjcs: Gardener Handy nun 6nti0. Cook JL5 HSKI for a JFj-hour week Children's Officer. 229 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds 2.
to wham ihev should be returned as soon as possible on completion. Cll AKCHJ i'LC TS DEPAR 1 MEN I MANCHESTER. indued Irmn nli-ihl Pms for the appointment of a CLERK OF uvrwj di a saiary in accoraance with A.i.T, Orddc ll ul the dittons. 1 56t risinp to per annum i orm of application mnv be obtained from the City Architect. Town Ha.ll, Manchester 2.
and iiiiuiu dc reiurncu to tnc same by chruary 5. 1955. CanvassinR is prohibited. ITY OF MANCHESTER Applications are Invited for the position of RESIDENT SUPERINTENDENT at COLLY-HURST FLATS. MANCHESTER.
Experience in collecting duties and control of dwelljniis will be considered an advantaae. The salary and conditions of service will be in accordance with Grade A P.T. 1 of the National Scheme of Service Conditions, 5t)0-580 oer annum MUHcircr wun irec uwcjiins accommodation! anu. the successful applicant w. with his family, be required to live on the premises.
The normal hours of duty will be from 9am to 5 p.m.. but the person appointed may. of necessity, be called upon to perform his duties in certain circumstances outside normal working hours without additional recompense Applications statins ane, quaiincutlons. and experience, together wiih copies of two testimonials should be addressed to the Director of Housing. Town Halt.
Manchester 2. and received not later than Wednesday, February 2, 1955 Canvassing In any form Is prohibited. "iITY OF A NCH ESTE EDUCATION lummi i bb Required for appointment In Child Guidance Service. Psvchatnc Social Workers with Mental Health Certificate of London University or Certificate for Psychiatric Social Workers of University of Manchester or University of Edinburgh Students ncanng the end of training will be considered Salary 470 15 560 with abatement of 15 for each year below 27 years of age Forms of application and other information may be obtained (stamped, addressed envelope) from the Chief Education Officer P.O Box 480. Education Ofllccs.
Deansgate. Man Chester 3. to be returned by January 19, 1955 CITY OF MANCHESTER TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT MLDICAL OFFICER. Applications are invted this hole-time unerann uable appointment the salarv scale for ia J.N.C. lI.M7 10s 52 10s IO tl.fliu per iniiumi.
oromcnKmjt saiury win be fixed according, to experience and qualifications. Further particular loscther with forms of application, may be obtained from the Town Clerk. Town Hall Manchester 2. to whom the completed form should be returned (endorsed "Medical Officer Transport Department not later than January 31. 1955 Canvassing will disqualify.
KN UTS FORD. Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the above position. Salary in accordance with the N.J.C, scheme of conditions of service. A.P.T. I (500 20 to 5B0L The person appointed will be required to provide a motor-car and will receive allowances, therefore under the county council scale.
Application. Etatlnjf date of birth, qualifications, experience, past and present employment, together with the names and addreises of two persons for reference purposes, should be sent to the undersigned at once iiKUUF.t wilhs. (Jaunty unnaren-s Officer. The Old House. Bath Street.
Chester. Application forms for the follow tn appointments may be obtained from me and must be returned completed by February 15, 1955: Qua nt Uy Survey ots 3 Senior CA.R.I.C.S.) A.P.T. VII t900-l 2 Assistants A.P III (600-725) 3 AuistanLs A P.T. 11 560-6J0l Engineering Assistants. Senior Hcatinu und Ventilating A.P.T.
(7tM90(J). I Senior Electrical A.P.T (750-900) 1 Heating or Electrical A.P II (560-640). E. MAIN WARING PARKES. F.R.LB A.
The Castlc1 Chester. January 37. 1955 CITY OF SALFORD. CHILDREN DEPARTMENT. HOUSE FATHER and HOUSE MOTHER (married couple) required for 'joint residential appointment in home for 19 boys, ages 11-18 years.
Salary and conditions in accordance with Agreements: Hoj Father 395 15 455. less 108 for emoluments, House Mother 350 15 410. lesi 108 fo' emoluments. Applications should be made by letter, giving details of age, experience, present and previous posts and giving names and addresses of three people to whom reference may be made. These should reach the Children Officer.
Broughton Road Salford 6, not later than February 11. 1955 endorsed "MG" R. RIBBLESDALE THORNTON. Town Cleric. TYARl INGTON TRAINING COLLEGE (for Women Teachers) Applications are invited for the post ol DOMESTIC BURSAR at the above coMese.
Domestic Science training and institutional experieivce essential Salarv 300 to -aso per annum oy annuat ircreme-iA of -0 timtlQl salary according to experience) with board residence tn the college during rm Voluntary superannuation scheme Applications statins full particulars of age qualifications and experience, and enclosing copies of testimonials and names ol referees, should retch the Principal. Training College. Partington Co Durham as soon as possible. LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY ARCHITECT'S DEPARTMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants for the following permanent appointments: (a Senior Assistant Architect A.P Grade VI for a programme of Police Stations and Magistrates' Court Applicants should be interested in contemporary design tb) Senior Asfll'tont Architect. A P.T Grade (fiTSO-CPCn for general work, in particular Fire Stoiions and Hostels for the Aged Applicants "ihoukl be interests din contemporary design, (c) Senior Assistant Architects two) APT Grade (750-900).
for a large programme ot additional classrooms and sim-lar work for existing schools. ApplSeanu should be thoroughly practical architects rd) Assistant Architect t625-675) for general work in particular Clinics and Smallholdings, etc. Application forms, to be returned by Monday. January 31. 1955.
obtainable from the County Architect. P.O. Box 26. County HalL Preston. () 183 15 0 140 0 0 105 0 0 Ltd (net) 105 0 0 tnei) 10S 0 0 105 0 105 0 0 100 0 0 Imur- 100 0 cninc lun t) 73 10 (1 70 fl 70 0 70 0 tfor 70 0 0 (net) 52 10 0 Ltd.
(net) 52 10 0 inpnee (net) 52 10 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 fl 49 0 0 Ltd. (ncl 49 0 0 36 15 35 35 0 35 0 I). Ltd. (net) 35 0 0 35 0 0 28 0 26 5 0 26 5 25 0 0 7 7 0 Messrs. Henry Cooke Son Duckworth Co Essences Manchester Liners.
Ltd. Colin R. Shaw. Esq E. Griffiths Hunhes.
Ltd Mrs Doris M. Mid wood Henrv E. Pardoe. Esq. Lihrarjt Messrs.
Addleshaw. Sons The Corn brook Breuery Co. Messrs. James Dilworth Son, Loclectt Ltd J. Lelsh MUnc.
Esq Robert Barclay Ltd. Robert AchtTley Son, Ltd. Anonymous Raymond W. Baldwin. Esq.
Isaac Booth Son. Ltd Chad wick Sons (Knott Mi Wm -Heap Son. Ltd Professor C. R. Cheney Isaac Bentley Ltd Steart.
Thomson Ltd. Thomas Winstanley. Esq Walter Rowlands. Esq 20.420 19 0 Total 30.276 7 2 JAMES LYTHGOE. Hon.
Treasurer Appeal Fund. Donations will be gratefully received by Hon. Treasurer. Chetham's Hospital. Manchester 3 ANCASHIRE COUNTY JLj COUNCIL.
is hereby Riven, that pursuant to the proviwons of the Local Government Act. 1 933. 1 mectins of the Coiimy Council of the County I'alntme of Lancaster will be held in the Countv Hall fo Preston, on Thursday the 3rd day of lebruary. 1955. at II 30 o'clock In the forenoon, in consider the propriety of the promotion by the County Council In the present Session of Parliament of a Bill which has been duly deposited in both Houses of Parliament, entitled; A to authorise a variation of the works authorised by the Cheshire and Lancashire County Councils Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, etc.) Act.
19-17; to amend thai Act in certain respects: and for other purposes" and tf deemed expedient so to do to pass a resolution or resolutions by a majority of the whole number of the members of the County Council confirming the propriety of the said promotion and the resolution of the County Council authorising or relating to the said promotion passed at a meexina of the County Council held on tbe tn aay 01 rnovemoer. 10. uaiea this 20th day of January. 1955. R.
ADCOCK. Cterk of the County Council. County Hall. Preston LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. Notice fs herehv riven, pursuant to the provisions of Section 254 of the Local Government Act.
1933. that a meeting of the Counts Council of the Coumy Palatine of Lancaster will be held in the County HaI. Preston, on Thursday the 3rd day of February. 1955. at II 30 o'clock in ihe forenoon, to consider the propriety of authorising and dtrectins that the undermentioned local Bill which is beirw promoted in the present Session of ParHamem.
shall, in the iorment or the County Council and In order to protect the interests or the inhabitants of the county, be opposed cither separately or jointly with other local authorities affected in either or both of the Houses of Parl-oment. ami that the expenses of oppotrra such Bill shall be Charged unon the Coumy Fund, that is to say A Bill 10 empower the rratwspon Commission to construct work and to acquire lends: to authorise the dwine for navf cation of portions of en-tain inland waterways: to extend the time for the compulsory purchase of certain IanK and the completion of certain works: to confer further powers on the Com-mission; to authorise the deposit with the Commission of capital moneys of the London -Transport Adrrmiraf and Simervisnrv Staff Superannuation Fund: and for other Dated ih 20h riv of lanuarv 1955. R. ADCOCK. Clerk of the County Council..