Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

era SI1K I INI CT3 173 crp I In In la In Houits For Salt 1871 Howies For Sal 187 1 Tucson 187 Open Housts For Salt 180Houst For Sat 166 Incema Proptrly Bus. Opportunities 150 Houits, Furn Rtrt 129 Monday, Dec. 20, IW Tucson, Aftt FIREPLACE, family room, bed-! BEDROOM, ti bath Assume FMA SAN CLf MINTS (5109 27TM STRfBT. MO. 1R Guest house.

Ownr pyi All. 1 BIOROOMS. i4 2 BEDROOM, nicely furnished, car- rooms, carpet ana oraoei, ewcrric mfianoi. 9t momn. i-eavimi town, kitchen, patio well, wonderful nalort-l Apti.

122 U5 A MONtH BEDROOM. WAV CARPET, MODERN ELfCTRIC KITCH- EAR old -bedroom Territorial, 8ATH, RIO BRICK, PATIO, OPEN port, spacious grounds, water tur- DM 17S. 1421.1A1I Ala Wav Nailonai, esraousnea auto aenvery service. Can be operated from home by man and wife. S1S.0O9-S20.O0O year 11 SPACE trailer court, laundry, plus 1 bedroom.

I1 bath house. Also fur- mVi. l1' Unit Court Jr5lv4.Jtwner.J96-2442 Um. dfrh. X.

MdrfK I 1U fastslde. S13Q month PITI. My ALL DAY I ALTY. your aaln, "ransferred. keg.

S7 50 JC BPJJ, j250 MOVE INT net. ouuu total price, ssuu oown. DURM5. FURNISHED 125 ON LEASE MabiU Homs, Trls. 1 59 For The Entire Family Holiday Delivery Guaranteed New 1966 Melody Home CUSTOM BUILT Soecial Year End Prices CALL 327-4961 1952 PONTANA IMHilKl AN1: Chuck vow ad th llrsi day ii ippears; In tvenl ot error oleaM call immediately to have it corrected.

NO CLAIMS WIU BE Al MIVVKD FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. RUT ERA TRUSTjINC. BY ownefTTour bedroom. twoTwiths, built-in renoe and oven, activify rcom. fireplace, carpet, grapes.

1444 Roller Coaler Rd, SUY OF TH rU iV Catalina Poothllli Owner out of town, must sell. $10,000 under appraisal. 4 bedrooms 4 baths, living, family, dining 8. deluxe kitcheni dbi. oa-raoe: Patio.

I acre. 15,000 down. $44,000 mortaape can be assumed. Auto urr'cawey to. 4014 North 7th Street Phoenix WiLL BUY FORTt5R Any kin of stock, eoulpment, ma-Ctlln-rv, Call MA M926.

EXTRA LAVATORY. POOL. I BLOCKS FROM RAN-oQLK PARK. NO PETS. CHARMING-1 Bdrm PLESi now have several I i 5 bdrm 1 2 rih rowhi tin set w' raroes.

cooling carports, etc. Now edvH $451 Move ini J63-U5 Mo vISO" MFADOWS $1810 DISCOUNT! 00 Full 27 On Lease $75 mnnthlv Including taxes, orlncipal and Interest for a 2 bedroom home in rha Amohl school district, near Roger Rd 1st Ave. Believe piace, tjaroecue; privacy. Kear 40 Acres Large Home Outstanding view of th cltv iKthta from one of the nictit homes In Tucson. Price Terms available.

Call JOHN BAOGER Realty, 631-5471. Evas. A Sun. 4-7034. Bella- princess Ann Aprs.

$330 vue, 296-4346. THE AW IN A AUL 1 I me this is less than rent I. you can two bedroom, many bullt-lni, stove rafrlgaretor, private patio. 1925 CHEVRON Low consider some exclusive, ton Houses, Unfur. Rtnt 36 move riont in, call GRUV-R REALTY 298-0475 anytime, $68 PITI NEAR D-ti like new.

fanced va'd. refrlaerator, duplex, 102 Floret. A. 4-fl3, ROYAL, realty mrATiriM will secrlfice beautiful bed- STRATIS 100 'LOCAT'ON with bt)h mKl, homt virtually comparable eompetl. sale.

Choice eastslde 317J Service station. Will lease to ouallfled operator. Excellent opportunity. East side of Tucson. Call Standard Oil JUU 422-5553 Houses For Sola Type Factory Ust Our Price 187 saVT3oo tlon.

Includes Owner') Ii T7)T a nd apartments 'J vi' and three 2 $4995 45995 3 BR. $115 PER MO. SOUTHSIDE You can buy the 4 BR or I BR WWALTIRREALTY J2'-J309 HatMl Pool. PLUS Co ot cam. raui miner.

uf-UM. tVW'PH P'-lTirC 52x121 BR iUxlf-I BR-m I 56x12-2 SR All Sus 10 1589: late. Furnished Aots. Only ments, all K5 a month. 1401 River- -ii COMMIRCial ra.

i I bath home. $9,150. Only 2 LOW DOWN. LOW MONTHLY den home with flreoiaca ano horse i IT A corral tor $1,500 under eooraiied r.n.fV. ymACOUlt bdrm, H4Birh Wldes from $399: veers new at a SELL-OUT Price dlsoeial, lawn sprinkler, etc.

Ex-' ceptlonaliy liberal terms. Phone Mr. MUSI 5BLL! ueratlv franchiiad retail bus nets. New 2 bdrm. custom-built red brick university, Base.

793-2253. -'2l9 value. Call Mr. Moores TaiS IN Tt bi vb: With Xlnt financing i eesy terms. MUBiLt; ACQUIRED good buys from il00: Will train caoabla man interested in 2 BDRM cottege.

Adult Couple only. home. Rese Sunnyside schools area RfcALTT. J4-4F, to JtM, move In costs. Stoo In and univshsitt area, woom Marcus, Dove Land oeveiopmeni AX buying, trained A experienced em over lt no pets, zyg-aaaj.

1966 Model Del Oro Custom Built 1 ton Refrigeration Fully Carpeted ployees want to remain with business. i ntt', wiww ve wti wvp. nrim realtors' SERVICE REALTY CO. central heatlnd. cool Children Pets Welcome Will sacrifice tor lesa man EA, 7-3959 1 ownir, eastside.

Tnrea beo. $2,000 UNDER ing, caroort. stove, refrlaerator. 1024 Call 795-1177, room, 1 baths, red brick home. 2-3 bedrm, Incl.

range, refrlo. Weekly water. $200 DOWN RESTAURANT for "sale doing good mnnin a nnoon PH aooraisal value, txcelient burnt full ueiuxe Accessories L' Krnnt Rear Bedroom NO CL051V9 COST "Territorial Valley" 5TEFFEN RfzAL TV 450 18TH Sl NEA Base: nice 2 bdrm. duplex. REALTY 622-7404 or 792-2507 JJJOHT- Invsstmont Proptrty 167 IN COOLIDGEtt Call Hubbard for dr-ails.

Luke Realty Co, 3130 N. First Ave, 424-2895 Eves 187-3973. adbe 3 bedroom i bath with double FIREPLACE in ver poeuler love In Today! COLONIA SOLONA SPANISH COLONIAL A wonderful aldworld atmosphere Is created by this attractive, large, retho*rated, 4 bedroom hom*o. ThouoMtully arranged era Its spacious dlnma ruom. activity room, 4 baths and modern kitchen.

On over an Fireoiaca ana carpet. 9-'7s. PHA $9.100 $ioS down. 3 BR, caroort storage, eato wn tprinkllng system shade trees. Nwiy palmed Immed.

occu-nancv 1749 Richev Ava. Neai Range, carport. SB5. Roval Real- Thts clean red brick home has 3 bdrms, baths, built-in 0. carpetina.

Good corner lot. Only 112,000. Call Dick. 336-5442 60x12-2 Broom with refrlratien 9795 53x12-2 Bedroom "vashon S499J On 10 acres In secluded area. Brand New Custom design luxury duplexes SXTi llnalKH SIM ill! mo.

Pool, flreoiacet. S12S Ii mo. breakfast ana luncneon, yi aayt.i 77 S. Plumer. Ste at a.m.

to 4 p.m. FOR SALE. Grocery market, good location. Beer and wine license. Bv owner.

624-3601. WANTED: Experienced Independent station operator with housetrailer. ingian maoe Estates. New 4 ion refrigeration new roof double enclosed pa Ho corner lot with "ood view. I not bong toot Must be seen to be appreciated.

Call Lea 3 BEDROOM, den. ROOM, den, water paid. $115. 60x12-3 Bedroom Belfslr S6595 Adults. Patios, horsa facilities, 3935 lus, iwfh iowiiii 2737 E.

Helen. 793-2424. Steffen Realty 793-7179 Club 325-2212. THREE bedrooms, central heat, 1 FrRACTlv one bedroom, carport. oaaenstos at or 290-831.

acre ot ana are. tawerine trees, $100 dn. Move in tonite 9 new oalnt, new roof Nar can ax, -25JU or KOY H. LONG REALTY stove refrigerator, private patio, central heating and cooling. 2120 mature lenoacapine and a spar- rf i I un rnum soya USE f'lR LOW COST FINANCING AS LOW AS lnjDOWN UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY VISIT OUR COMPLETE PARTS STORE Desert Trailer Sales baths, carport, store room, flre-olacau 2202 E.reenlee..EA50462, LARGIfDeluxe split-level house In Hidden Valley, includes many extras, such as wet bar, Intercom, EGG RANCH Business Property 169 tittA at Belvedere, 326-tMi.

schools a but. WALTER REALTY, Kllno swimming pool, call au POSTER, 624451 or 325-3107 after EXTRA Nl.fc. bedroom horn located Am phi school district Beautiful larna shade trees Inclosed back yard. Patio, carport, tforeoe utility room. FHA aooraital $10,500.

S350 down Harold M. Clark Rltv. Tucson Realtors Sinre 1926 J-J0, hours. 7 BUKVta, muuern, uuiii-nia, ui aires, patio, carport, storage. 2701 Spring I.

Lroe Double Oarao. etc. $250 monthly. 298-6435 9. eeautityi carpet draperies 10.

Beautifully landscaped acre lot. ST. JZS-loa, 3 DCnbrShM. caroort. itnraae.

stove 2125 MIRACLE MILE 623-5777 TUCSON REflLTy American Rentals B-l ZONING Nice BR, bath home on 5 acres. 2500 Layers with capacity of 5500. All egg ranch eoulpment included. Retail, wholesale routes. Offered for $56,000 and would take 3 Bedroom in Pueblo High area.

SERVICE REALTY 7-5959 Eves, BfOSTAIIRANT refrigerator, draperies, near Swan- 50 K. Ith 622-4111 avat. 2-'4 THRU -BED ROOM BRICK home with carpeting and draoet! 1 batnt. Its neat and clean. HO.

WO Call anytime; A 11441 or EAJ-2W3. MATT BATKA REALTY 2401 Ortnt. 2 3 clean, newly decorated. 620 S. Swan 793-8030 298-6536 22nd.

sa-Avvi NEW 1 BDRM WPATIO 11. no aras 12. And many more features Ready for a Quick Sale Pot-session TODAY I Directions: Oo "i mile Wesf of Qrtclt Read on Ina to Via Assist, than South. Call $115. 3 bedroom, range, refrigerator.

NEW 3 BDRM 2 BATHS targe Living, Family Dining Rooms NO MONEY DN. $125 Mo. Total Pymt. FREE FHA LIST aa Nire corner lot 70 120 near t-in KITCneni, carper, grapes. 75 W.

I Imberlost (Off Oracle! enclosed yard. 4828 taison TTNORTHSIDE First Avenue and Grant Road. No special assessments, price is $200 2SLS. Jione erfc Sh Excellent location E. Bdwy Alvernon.

Fully eouipped. Price $3500. Terms. Long lease. Real family op 3 BEDROOM red brick with fenced SEE UUR QUALITY Twelve Wide Trailers We Have the Good Buys! ALSO FEATURING Kine-Size 4 Bedroom per front foot.

Call yard In Sllverbell Terrace, su. 3 bdrm 1 family room, enclosed 4 Bdrm Rolling Hills 1 years new, bedrooms, ttova I refrigerator, close to bus and shopping. Only $10 per mo. Call 622-4673 eration, can maxe gooo rerurn MA. 2-7788.

CREITVIEW-PfTlR HOWELL ARIA porch a. workshop. Block aatio wail. Prlretf under 14000 1 RPnbhhU hnncp. water furnished.

GREER N'-L'-'N, KCAL I UK COTT ONES 4 a neg oricK, perns, double-faced fireplace. Like new Toa location out east. Only $15,750 with $550 dn on ait- $55. Horse facilities avauaoie. jjm KENNETH KAMRATH, BROKER 1NG N.

Alvernon. Sporting Goods Store M't S1J94J I $11,500 rooms, 14t batht, clean as a pin: wood tloort, garage, laundry room. a aj 5 ton refrigeration, double carport. On sot- RECENTLY built 3 bedroom house Ideal for family operation. Small In clout lot, in prestige in New Tucson.

Beauritui guiet area, prvo credit can us enyttrro. i00, MAMANY' IATY, MUST SELL I' 50 mo. REALTORS Oil Lara R2 lot, 4 blocks west at uw R7 ventory Retiring owner will give a very attractive buy! Will consider i-7788. MA. 2- $5.

ANGELUS BOLAS-AERO CASA LOMA HOLIDAY, RAMBLER CITATION (jARDENS fTUDIO. 1. 2, 3-bedroom S. plit level Town Houses, from, 158 to $91. WW carpet, disposall, refrlg-erator built-in range.

Choice location, near snooping 8, schools 1458 fain Verde, K-lOt. Ph. 326-6692. A. 7'0o morfgaga sat put.

$13,950 Scotsman or not you'll appreciate the value In this lovely home. PIREPLACE.3 bedrooms, dining room, 2 baths. Built-in ranoe. 2 fenced Patios, Street lights. No assessments.

IMMEDIATE POSSESSION F.H.A. termt available. Call Pauline Avis, 623-6401, Eves.t and Sunday, 291-5404, location, uur or town owner will (iva Im mediate possession. See this exceptional value. some traoe tor real esTare or mig 327-4914.

120 S. COUNTRY CLUB UNIQUE 2 bedroom home, w-w carpeting, carport, patio. 326-3742 for anonlntment. 9515 F. Helen.

Pevt Whites Trailer Sales Write star-cimen Box 415-5. elusive. liliUL all. Repossession. 3 Bullt-ins Paved street.

Silver. gA.UIALTY.aZi patn VET'S area, 2 BR. S40T Real" 2847 S. 6th Ave, Arn. 172 Lots For Sale tor D.

L. Smith. 294-3463 or 325-9672. SlXWWTAlNTpl9raIier. Ilka 2140 CALLE CORDOVA JFK $75 'cftyjy REDUCED TO SELL! An attractlva red brick 3 BEDROOM-OEN-2 BATH home handv fa schools and thooniiMt in oood east location.

BY OWNER decai Bellevue. Good location. 326-3400. Lot In nice residential area, near Sears an' Pjaia, 100' 15'. Lease Expired Open Sunday l-j.

4132 I. SIXTH IT. Tried 'n True 3 bedrooms dan PLUS guest home. Sturdy, neo-Spanlsh. with mature landscaa- ing.

Low taxes. Call to see this conven- lently located charmer in the of SS. Pater Paul area. Beaut Built Homes 296-5052 3 large living fenced You'll like ma PNELEO OEN with DEAR SANTA: "JUST FOR KICKS" Or mavbe not Just listed six-room red brick home tor only $90. Payments of only 0,4 everything.

En-closed yard earsfrtg front. Asm for Maria 2-335l EVES 298-4622. all assessments paia, ion yaro. 32 sparxman. 336-aw orice.

326-44" bo-ikcaset and tne large ttHvite ACS A lth rMm Inr or Please tell the family lookina ly tec 5 BEDROOMS, 3V baths. Casas Ado 2 LOTS. 120x300. Near Glann an for the most In a 4 Beoroom. Bedroom, hnhblat.

Carpet, draoat. kitchen bes area. Living room witn tirepiace formal dlnlna room. den. bedroom Countryciyb.

3 Bath home, high the foot- i the foot. built- ns, enclosed ono witn bbu. overlook ina the Cltv, hills, Ideally arranged for guests or live- 100x125', GAS, water, electric, nhnnas. 120 dn. $20 mo.

$2,000 total Out of Hate owner wantt this soldi Can Dick Terry at MA 1-9416 or BUILDER'S ins. Phone 297-2823. Immediate occu-oancv $300 month. 5 miles W. of Mission Rd.

on Aio GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES TRULY GORGEOUS DRESS SHOP In Eastslde location. Only 1 yr. old and already grossed $40,000. Inventory down will handle. You must see thisl LIQUOR DRIVE IN STORE Heart Attack! Business only 1 month old.

2900 S. 4th Ave. Inv. it $2,000 down, Brand new. Sea thlsl VENDING ROUTE Grossing tt.OOO per month.

Work 2 days weekly. Take home $700 a month. $,000 down. Call Harry Schwlmmer 327-7424, eves. 298-8449.

2000 E. Speedway. BEAL REALTY 5617 E. 22nd St. u7of A-en55FTir way, sunset Acres auo.

jae-aw. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house. ROY H. LONG REALTY SACRIFICE! Will sell beautiful 3-bedroom, 1 balh near Grant ano First Ave. I acres, vicinity r-irsi 1 Ina Rd $13,500 Contact H.

Schwartz. 298-2612. 1126 tth St Tucton eailor Only 17500 for tttlt complete home. Firoiae, newly decorated. Foothills Beauty that am available.

I have everything to add charm and warmth from mv specious living room FIREPLACE to my lovely POOL. My large Activity Rm. and built-in kitchen leave nothing to be desired. My large formal dlnlna room is ideal tor any festive occasion. Please, Santa, send me a bl family for Christmas.

Call Jack Brown, 623-6401, or and Sunday, 793-0044. Sierra Catalina Vista Apts. Refrigerated Heated Pool Efficiency $75 1 Bdrm, Unfurn. $95 2 Bdrm, Unfurn. $115 (Incl.

"turtles S. Taxesi Designed For Adult Living ENJOY THE VIEWTI-FUl CATALINAS 2475 N. Haskell Dr. (At Alvernon Grant) Call 793-8455 MOVE IN fej.3-33. T.ucMlg.W737; 2 Acres, nice high IcTTn Tuc.

Mts. All utilities. Only $4400. Flecha Caida I Santa Catalina Estates, deluxe lots, priced rloht. SERVICE REALTY CO EA 7-5959 Eve Sun 326-6776.

model ome nrlme eastsioe location at J1800 discount for Immediate sale. Air conditioning, ranoe and oven, dishwasher disposal, lawn sprinklers, double caroorte, caroeling, some drapes, many other extras. 513,990 with low move-in cost If you act 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Magnificent view nf Catallnes. Caroet draperies.

SERVICE REALTY CO. EA 7-595? 7-5260 or 326-6776 You will Never Regret many built-in appliances. Lovely patio 1240 W. MIRACLE MILE pool, care-free landscaping, i we Buy Eouitiet ALL TRAILERS MUST GO! NEW USED 8, 10 12 Wides American Detroiter Pontiac Chief O-P-E-N Sat. Sun.

BANK FINANCING Ranch Trailer Sales 1815 Miracle Mile 624-2391 na Rri on lease. 327-ylBA. Sacrifice View Lot now. call Mr. marcus, uovt Lano Develo-r-n' Av 1-8072.

I 4 BEDROOM, SVl ath, 1 mlTenrom The Purchase of thlt home. 3 BR, bath red brick near new "Sears' store. Masonry patio, rear porch, built-in ttero. Only 1 4.500 complete Laroe lot in lovely eastsida residen 1638 N. SAWTELLE A modern 1 Bedroom Red Brick home located dote to bus, shooeina and church, Low taxes.

Connected to tower. Will tacrlfice thlt house um, renceo varg, carporr, sroragv, tial area. All Improvements, including WOTReep65 BIG REDUCTION CHRISTMA5 IPT RMuced IIOO0. Price now $13,200 newly oaveo streets; an assessments fWd bedroom dunlex. $65.

Just oalnl ly furnuned. SERVICE REALTY CO. EA 9-S959 ed. Pueblo Gardens. 2009 5.

norns. paia. patio wan en i sioe. siuuu oe-low appraisal; only (4800. Owner, Mr.

Sowers of Sowers Realty, 296-1270. for Lovely 3 BRs. Oin-Act. Laroe screened MAi I ASRE thraia hHi-nnm. fwn hath.

REALTORS oo ch. 1 balhs. Welled petlo. carpeted. Near Bdwy J.

tamonco, ONLY TRAILER lot In Drexel Heights, with $13,000 36' furnished cabana. 297-1 $4fn DOWN. ORttk O. NtLSON carpet, grapes, ount-ins, patio, Tenceo yard, Kolb-Broadway. S115.

327-1232. -U1 ftr 5 LOT for sale by owner. 10 155. tAw. paces 5.

country two ro. at e. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. 26 W. Ven- 152 Money Loans Zttn 51.

32S-962I SABINO VIS1A Now, through special arrangement with one of Tucson's outstanding swimming pool builders KTZ will give a luxurious private pool to juyers of each of four selected model homes now belna offered. Think of the luxury of relaxing or entertaining on a pleasant evening around the privacy of your own free form pool or, the convenience of tending the kids off during the season to the big twenty acre recreation facility complete with 82W swimming pool, riding stables, tennis courts, recreation room and beautiful park-like setting. All of this can be yours In time Enloy Arlione living at Ite best. After hours call Mat Segal at 297-1994. Solol I2alttj.

Co tura. block to snopeing center. Central heatlnn. cooling. VISTA DEL SAHUARO DO IT YOURSELF VTEDROOM duplex, 3637 S.

Bronson ro I'a Diocxs.Trom rueoio nian MAGNIFIQUE! This home pf distinction Is a lovely 3 bedroom adobe brick and native stone home that It quality built. Everything about It is beautiful and In 9ood taste in decor and planning. Charming living room and den, each with large native stone fireplaces. Electric kitchen with breaklast area. Separate dining room with view of Mountains.

2'j baths. Patio has Pool and dlchondra lawn. All this located on a permanent 360 degree view acre let, in the lust one mile east of Casas Adobes Shopping Center. Asking only $49,500. Call Loren Buck to see at 623-6401, or 22-7119eves and Sundays.

7317 Placita Antigua 326-6033, $254.03 CASH This beautiful home In this wonderful If Columbus Square For the man wha wants to build a home with his own hands, on a large scenic lot, in a desirable community. All utilities In. Lots available at $25 $25 mo. Call anytime. HlLDRETH ANO MAYES 5725 S.

Hildreth 294-6451 BRAND NEW subdivision witn large living room, workable kitchen. buiR-ln range 2555 E. Broadway 325-345 CULUWBUa ftl bienn All cnarlrmc 9 Bdrm. from $95. FOR HOLIDAY NEEDS oven, laro bedrooms, 2 baths.

1740 South Country Club. 1 bedroom. S85. 2709 Winchester Vista, 3 brm. $90.

Close to base, 3 Pi baths, stove soma furniture. $90. Pueblo Gardens, 2 br. $75. Catalina Foothills, 3 1 baths.

$175 Call Ed Garland, MANGELS to $140 Every luxury feature plus covereo terrace, patio wail, new nome tnr rhr vardettes wasner noox-ups. 327-2421, 327-8852 $4650 52'xl2' 174 Acreage condition can be rented tor ji per month, with option to Purchase at $17,000. Best buy in the subdivision. Drive by and call Fran Cline at GOLF COURSE RESIDENCE Planking tt fairway In the Tucson Country Club Entiles thia charming home hat 4 bedrooms, dan and 2'i bath. The living room opent to the patio affording a beautiful view of golf course anal mountain scenery.

Separate dir. Ing room, breakfast room, electric kitchen and large fireclac. There Is a aeliehtful rear torch and tha house It cooled by refrigeration. Offered at JiO.OJO. Call Sam Woodt at MA.

or avet. EA. 5-7319. ROY H. LONG REALTY 1824 E.

4th St. Tucson Realtors Since 192i BY OWNER $8,000 buvs this red brick, I bedroom. 1 2 BEDROOM See these exciting ready-for-occu-pancy model homes In Sabmo Vista. Two, three and four bedroom models complete with many, many extras such as drapes, carpeting, fireplaces MA. 3-9416 or eves.

MA. 2-3450. Repay only $15.00 per mo. for 24 mos. BORROW on SIGNATURE alone.

Furniture, or Car (paid for or not). No cosigners. Same-day service. 1913 LANAI Sun. ROY H.

LONG REALTY REALTY, Realtors, Broadway, 623-0531 Eve- MA 2-657' all on big, eversizeo nan-acre Inte PrlrAri from S34.9O0. SS. PETER PAUL REDUCED For eulck salt. Owner gone will consider any reasonable offer for this nice, older home, near of A. I Ige.

activity rm. with fireplace. Sep. dining rm. H-W floors, waned paho, garage.

Excellent condition. Low faxes. Call 325 3378, Sun. i Eve. 325-0113 887-0274 Roberson Realty Service.

2001 6. JJrant Rd. 1826 E. 4th St. Tucson Realtors Sinca 1926 60'xl2' $5195 3 BEDROOM, Vh BATHS Many nore to choose from Apache Trailer Sales Take fangue Verde Rd.

to Sablno rarwnn RH turn riaht at Cloud Rd. 2021 E. BROADWAY 623-6401 MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR NEAR GRANT-1ST Luxury Apartments 3727 E. FIFTH ST. 325-4422 A R-R-R-REAL BUY Phone 296-4971 er 795-0100.

Open 10 Patio with fruit trees, 4-bedroom, $25 TO $2500 WORKING MAN? Should vou invest in land? Not unless you wish to get ahead In life have some real securltyl If vou can sacrifice $20 or $40 per mo. we have the best profit potential to offer you. See our color slides today and let us explain. See land at your convenience. ARIZONA PROPERTIES, 20 Scott.

792-0877, weekends 325-6510 or 298-S56. SOUTHWEST AREA 7.5 sc. parcels located in rural setting overlooking the vellev south with all i bd. famlty 114 balh. ne large activity, carperea, grapes, air-conditioned, dishwasher, etc.

Lease, 2844 Miracle Mile ARRANGED BY PHONE W-W carpet, drapes, dbl, storage $175 month, 792-3424. 187 Houses For Saie room, fpneed vara Sharp! 624-617 Open Sun -6 Money Monthly Payments You Get 24 30 36 Good East location! Good Prlcel CALL 2 BEDROOM Host 84.68 5.00 sow nnwN month nan. attractive, burnt adobe, car Roadway Village port and storage. Patio. Must see to RIVER ROAD Vi ACRE STREAMLINE TRAILERS AND TRAVEL CARS VIRGIL REGER 5345 E.

Van Buren, Phoenix 595.10 34.00 1001.38 43.83 1503.94 64.92 1 BR. repairable, on 2 lots, southslde, only $2,500. Total. H. H.

Realty 2038 S. 6th. 423-3431 Eves. Amelia appreciate, sits Valencia wve. uni es avai ab e.

,000 a oarce ath, carport and storage on to i Call us to see and discuss taking of 2078.08 77.06 2530.88 93.44 am-acTive im. Patm walh 1 blockt from David- smaller parcels. WPAB MOUNTAIN (iRANT '65 SHASTAS 1 8, 2 BEDROOM LUXURY APTS. The ideal combination of luxury 2 3 BEDROOMS 3 BR Northeast location, Amphi schools, fenced yard. 2 BR.

Furnished, convenient to shop-oin-i anri transnnrtation. Nice 2 bdrm home, screened porch, nu, Tarnnrt. laroe DatiO WBl hJJr- h.drXTL. h.Th, county, low SSf 1 Jitrh.iM inolH-appraisal $9 500.



325-6083; 3931 t. BROADWAY. ANDERSON REALTY REALTORS OVE 40, YEARS Hilgenberg Realty 48 N. Tucson Blvd. convenience.

Heated pool. New sea- $995 Only $8,950. $500 down. This won't lactl EA. 7-6024 325-7329 TRAILER SAiES 3901 Oracle eeroetlng drapes, double caroorte, well located oft Oracle Road.

perfect desert living priced at 4501 E. Speedway 39V1B63 1964 VAGABOND mobile home, 12 Jameson 326-9372, Lackner 296-0995 30-Month and 36-Month Plans include Credit Life and Health Insurance. Accident Insurance. DIAL FINANCE CO. 327-8281 ROYAL REALTY 792-0725 on lease rates.

Please inspect at 150 S. Eastbourne Ave. At Broadway Country Club 326-0692 5mai I enftaae. Near everything Open Houses For Sale 180 mm IDEAL for retired or young couple. 58, fully carpeteg, air conomonino.

B-nlnnt. vlrlrtlnn. norrh 9x4 MOSIER RgALIT IN4L6-4JI RtnpnnM. i baths. Datio wa oniv 111,500.

eesv terms it oesireq. Immediate possession, we It bv call 2 bedroom, carpeting, grapes ff riaeration. exce ent oven, ranoe, drapes, fireplace, $135 storage shed. Consider I 30 late model trailer as part down. Sea al I IFF AN WP ing Ray Denny at MA.

j-94it or month. 278-8168 $46.80 utilities included. 3541 S. 8th 1402 W. A0, LOT 44.

condition. Stove, refrigerator, attractive back yard, patio with ramada, storage. Assume loan. Call evenings $75. IMMACULATE 2 bedroom, 76 S.

Stone Ave. 32 E. Broadway 623-0335 623-3466 Aye, eves. MA. 3-7370.

ROY H. LONG REALTY ttM 4th St. FENCED, children or pets. cA 5- 'tN, PQPThTT40MSS'bY Xen pVenske Constr Co 795-3911 In deluxe-3 BR, 1 bath, dbl. carport, carpeted, patio.

By iwner, 4433 E. Montt Vista. bedroom, blocks West 2202 E. Greenlee. EA.

5-3462. TERRITORIAL fttALTY.INC. or weexeno. jiv-juM. aij Linutn.

6510. 2526 Cochise vista 1.0 Trailer Hauling Iv.iMltprt,tinc.19Ja SPACIOUS 2 bedrooms, dinette and BY OWNER, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, Loans, Real Estate 54 fireplace, 75. Northeast. MA 2-2736. $DROOM duplex.

Built-ins, car-jbelnsOTlESpr Apartments For Sale 125 COWSCONDOjyUN PAT'S MOBILE Home Movers, Lies $28,900 patio wall, oven, rono, $600 cash to $14,400 mortgage. Va 3 BEDROOM, SCHOOL I olocks, 1015 MOST ANY DOWN Ins, Bonoe 3120 uracie -iii W. wetmore, cant. 7049 paseo nan Anores. yr-ai- bedroom, bath.

New 4 tutH't Mnhlln Hnme Movers $400. DOWN 2 bdrm. brick home. Den with fireplace, furn. central heat 8, cooling.

Carport storane walled patio. REDUCED to $9250. Near shopping t. bus. MA 3-9441 1135 E.

tth St. Marguerite's Pers. Serv. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, close to bus, KATDNBAUGf7MORT3AGE'N will pay tore for vour mtge or contract, or we will make voy a new loan. Call Mr Over 624-M41 nr 19A-11 Hue tTFDiirED $1200 ow FHA.

Beau iry room as, 31 ft. fam "Hr. Lie. bonded ns 1036 Prince 624-1673. Flovd Corliss, Off.

Mar shopping center, scnoois. renceo Lovely 3 BR'I Den. 1 eatht. Lerge, Near Cravcroft I Kelso. Assume mta.

Move in. A bargain. GREER NELSON, REALTOR, with bar, on Tandscaiwd acre. Orlva out Ina Rd. to La Oetta to 945 VERDE MEADOWS 1338 E.

Irvinatori AX. 4-9421 varrt. 17 w. Michigan, ACQUIRED FHA AND VA HOMES Choice hornet throughout the metropolitan area. Best of terms and locations.

Salespeople available al all times or stop In (or lull Information. $87 MO. PAYS ALL 3 BR. PA BATH OPEN ALL DAY tiful 3 Deoroom nome wun rnanr extras Including double garage. 6971 E.

Timrod. 296-70O8. i' '8'DRV. $100 DN. $68 MO.

3 BEDROOM, stove, refrigerator, pa San Martin. SIERRA del SOL tio, water, $V5. bA. 6-M rim mnsi 402 E. KELSO.

2 $70 mo. TUCSON MOUN1A1N EE THOMISON REALTY, '3-v'' IaNTTFORECToSURES; i BR. $7,000 HAVt Clients with 53000. to to loan on 1st mortgages. MARSHALL RE At TY 624-3225 404 N.

4th Ave Eves. 624-4302 WTTOVTOS. AND CONTRACTS AT TOP PRICES LEIGHT RLTY MA. 2-7406. 792-2507 JR0V81 RltV, 3263222, 422-5552.

ATtPArTTVF bedrooms. lvJoaths. REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOMS THOMISON fc llt-ifl FOOTHILL HOME $13,500 ADULi' APTS FOR SALE Between Broadway and 22nd St. at 1002 So. Kolb Rd.

Nothing In Tucson can ccTipare with these one and two bedroom apartments. Mature landscaping and deluxe recreational area urith hoatoH cwimmlna nnnl PpdurpfJ Coma see this well located brick home priced at only $10,300. Near grade school, fenced patio, carport and many other desirable features will make it worth your inspection. stove, storage, encios-o vara, ciean, $77 MONTHLY PAYS ALL NOTHING DOWN NO CLOSING COSTS 2 BR, dining room, fenced. Price 9.70.V Call S.

A. Rich. 298-9285. REACQUIRED HOMES $120, water paio. 32.

48. imi Alta Vista. SAVE NO CLOSING COSTS. Some Bdrm. home with outstanding view clfv llohtsl On 4 acrat.

Price In- NORTHEAST area, 2 fenced MORTGAGES Real Estate Wanted 163 ho dn. on approv. creoit. Keaecoroicu s.t s. A h.rirm homes, al areas.

yard. $80 mo. 298-6435. udes furniture. to $11,500, $12,500 an $13,500 for Immediate sale.

For more complete rive to J109 E. 27tn street. Lai 298-1562 Eves. HENDRICKS REALTY Steffen Realty 793-7179 CHESSEN 327-6864 1 OR 2 BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished. Northside, $50 and up.

I si, 2nd ontraet a Buy Sell Refinance Home Ranch. Business For gulck Action, Uat PAKM KANtn neawit 297-0516 TOW DOWN 5602 E. 22nd St. 296-7163 Your oroowtv With 294-4558 MOVE IN FOR XMAS EA. 7-5959 acRVICc REAL tU.

2 BEDROOM House, newly painted. 4513 E. 24th SL.326-3472. Bedroomt A activity. Bullf-lns, flra- Information call! 296-3321 Houses, Furn.

Rent 129 American Rentals 3363 I FLOWING WELLS. La. selection THOM I SON REALTY Vi-W LEAN TwSbedroom house, fenced, near Duffey school. 5043 E. Rose wood.

Sims Realty Mortgage MA 2-884 933 E. Bdwv years NEW, red brick, newly decorated, bdrmt, 14 bath, built- HAPPINESS RECIPE TAKE a 3 Bedroom home. AOO balht. built-in appliances and a magnificent family room, measure Vh acres (hortes permitted) end C-ARNISH with a brick patk), ADD a flreoiaca for CMAfcM. TOSS In a beautiful view and thlt home will 565VF you with exoultlte taste.

Price $32, Call Ruth Schgneberger, 327-5977 er 298-'73 ivh. ace, dinlna area. 4 1st mig Real Estate Exchange 1 64 2 BEDROOM Plus porcn, enciosea yard, garage, $85 807 E. Lee. Phone POOL An excellent Burnt acoa cut-torn built home, only fiva veeri old, on a autat cul-ae-tac.

Two dressing rooms In an enclosed patio near a tpar-kiing aool at 8075 AVON PLACE An excellent location. W-W carpets, custom made draoes, mature frees and shrubs, carefree landscaping. An Ideal noma for a large family, low a i a t. Clote to thoeeinq, schools, and churcfi. priced $20,000 Submit your offer now.

After hour! wonderful buvi wam to paio veroe gh. Payments only $125 per mp, ill Mr. Zucarelll 327-4961 or AX trip bA. -I VI. TRLANYWHlREr in tj.fc.

Kitcnen, large wornsnop. $100 DOWN. $110 mo. Call Pat. 296-9285.

Steffen Realty 793-7179 $5950C5H. Very clean 2-bedroom, CONT zut paveo streets, city uui. 'jr 420 S. Swan Ro 793-8030, 298-6536 BUTERA TRUST, INC. 914 Phoenix tltl tastBate, ava-tjr.

Jim Dolan Tucson Realty Trust Co, P.O Box 12006 Ph. 296-6151 Eves. NR Bd. 1522 N. Park Or 4617 19th.

3 bedroom, 1 oath, duplex, range, refrlqerator, $75. month, on lease. 326-7360. 2 central heating, tile vanity, tile floors, utility room, car-port, $75. 813 E.

Llmberlost. 887-2582. "REPOSESSION sell, nonconformipg. B2-A. 792-2864.

T7 Ahpi Lro 1 EA. BROADMOOR Mtgs. 4 Contracts 155 FREE clear laundromat, excellent lnrtinn Will trade for clear house. fenced yard, Roval Realty, 326- hdrmt 1U baths, home, extra $100 TOTAL MOVE IN NO CLOSING.COST. ATTBAfTIVF 1 RFOROOM $85.

FOR nice 3 bedroom. DON'T discount your contractmtg 794-8r60. paper or what have you, 298-6435. LARGE deluxe ultra-modern motel, MA 3-5433 Tuc. Mtq.

Co. AX 8-737? laroe act. rm. with fireplace. Large L.

D. Area, lerqe kit. Utllf Rm. Walled patio, lot 70 120 ft. on sewr, no assessmentt.

1872 It, under roof, needs tome repairs. Near SI. LARGE SEXECTION CALL I FF THOMISON REALTY. 793-9344 WANTED: 2nd Mfg. 1 yr.

old Apts. In Texas, includes restauranr ano pool. Large gross income. Will trade for what have you. 298-6435.

HEATED POOL Bedroom; completely furnished, In-ciudino linens, disnes. etc. Use ot 40' pool Maid service. $145 mo In-gulre al -46 ''nd St. call Max Segal at 297-199A OPEN 9-6 2737 E.

22ND $10.000 on 40.ii equity, p.p. box 62tt REALTY INC. 4897 Speedway 327-597T NOW YOU CAN AFFORD A HORSE! And a beautiful home In the country on acres gf desert land with stable and corral. Mew custom-built adobe home with lovely entry hall end natural rock well that gives It an alra of distinction all Itt own. Three nice bedroomt, marble batht.

and a view you win forever enloy. For the tew. tow Brlce Of 144 Business Rentals 166 Income Property Ambrose. Make an offer. Shown by appointment.

MA 3-9441 1835 E. 4th St Marguerite's Pers. Serv. 2 BEDROOMS Prettiest-best kept home In block, t. Armruk.

Any S00. SKYLINE BEL AIR ESTATES down to FHA. Better call on this MOBILE LIVING iSofol ahf do 2555 E. Broadway RV nwrmr. frMir units, oood income Clean, well furnished, central cooling A hefltino.

mo. TUCSON flfflUU OFFICE SPACE $30 month 1136 W. Miracle Mile 624-6641 laeai tor rerirea coupie. txtcc 1 bedroom $60 mo. 2835 N.

Stone MCTDOPOI ITAN RPALTY CO northeast corner. Call 793-7995, Store $45 rronth at 1244 So 2 BR. $60 $65. 1 BR. $45 8.

4th Ave. Mr uAl 622-6Z Elegant 3 bedroom home. Unsur- JBrowv. j44jii ARE YOU 60. fctflC.

$35. 624-7247. tTRUST- STORE hldo B-2A Zone on passed view of city end mountains. Looking for a medium priced home $200 DOWN Mobile Homes, Trls. 159 Speedway 1440 sq.

ft. reas. 327-314 MOBILE HOME PARK SETTLE ESTATE 2 Bdrm. brick, range, ret. wall.

115.950. Can GEOROE "DAL" DALRYMPLS. 6244451 or for mora Information. uompiereiY lenascapea intiuums UAtirtMAi. feSAt TY sorinklers.

Atrium with tropical FAST SPFFDWAY (5R001 15 75 ft fTW, 3 bedrooms, Mi baths; newly decorated inside 8, out. Eastslde loca plants. Price, $43,500. Phone tor ap-pointment 296-1C89 or 298-2345. 5401 W.

IOWA 2 bdrm, 1V bath. $85 mo. 326-5547. SWIMMING POOL bdrm, completely furnished including linens dishes, 8. utilities.

Use of heated pool. $115 mo. Inquire at The space, oark to front or rear of buildina. lono or short term ar- In a good neighborhood, do to schools, shpplng, and easy access to the City? We have a lovely hotnt with 3 bedroomt, 14 baths, built-in oven and range, cozy fireplace in the '61 SCOTSMAN camp trailer, 14'j, good condition, 5402 E. 7th.

'59 ARTCRAFT. 10 47. New livino jucson mm tion. S86.Z3 monrniy will per an. -e" Lou Barba.

296-3425. rennqments, $1200 month rental Incomel! Try $10,000 dn. North location. Lovely living shade trees. Bus line.

Call VIC GORE, Strout Realty, 1319 YOU'LL BEAM room set. Bsz-jyau, Hying room looKing out into a ntin with covered rear porch Steffen Realty 793-7179 2 BDRM. Red Brick, Wt baths, gulet EAST 22nd St Business frontaqe. Columbus to Wllmot Any amount, lease or build to suit. Fred Roberts.

Owner, 296-1555 li '65 Models at REUJCED prices Chateau, 3666 2na at. At tha beams tnd range and hood, plus refrigerator freezer eomoo. 1 BEDROOM home with water, laroe Large storage room end carport with a carefree front yard. The home Is TRUST" 5ho "Intown Retirement" lAicawnnn hii I offers both. Con S.

6th. Day or eves 624-2387 FBFF STROUT CATALOG trees. 801 Rosemom. BUSINESS or office space. Flowlnp ust ke new Good fniancma av AS LOW AS uown 50x10' as Low as $3500 UNIVERSAL KRIS-KRAFT i IT STAR 10' H' 20' WIDES 150, 1 BDRM house, furnished, land titgstona rireo'ace, ano wwnwn, llfetlma carpeting, large back porch, i a tt oatin wail, bubblers front JJM Wells.

Reasonapie. JiMist. able with low payments. Call us to LOCAL. 8.

COAST TO COAST and back, double carport, 3 spacious 20 20 3844 E. GRANT ROAD 20 70 3842 E. GRANT ROAD tea this fine family home. Hilgenberg Realty tk ht TnriAn Rtvti. STROUT STRUNK REALTY beorooms li oams ang opiy i.t.v.

Ask (or Maria 29-335l EVES 39S-4421 Gocd for any business. O.K. TRAILER SALES 3901N. Oracle 10 51 REE bedroom, $2500 or best offer. Will take pickup, car or dominium Townhouses 8.

Individual 5FFICE SPACE all rooms retriq neiohbornooo, paveo street, ur win trade for 10' wide trailer. 4844 E. Edison. MANAGING BROK-R HAS Newest FHA Acouired homes of all sizes, In all locations, 2,3,4 bd-ms. In belter than new condition, soma "As Is." Lowest down pymt.

Please call 325-3378, Eve. Sun. 326-781. 325-A897, 887-0274. Roberson Realty Service.

2001 E. Grant Rd. HnmK. tnr rnose over u. Locatea New Free EA.

7-6024 325-7329 scaped o.nwn. AMPHI 2 blocks from schools, large onebedroom. Phone 62-2761. A "HOME, near grade. Jr.

and HI SchsJVj baths, pool.J BR. 327-79 0. S50 MONTHLY. 2 bedroom. CleanTTn- quire, 520 E.

Mohave Rd. "Children-Pets Welcome 9-1 t4rm Inr TV. Hlltft WBShOr small trailer for part. 887-1699, Tucson Mountain Foothills with Pan eratedi receptionist 8. answering service Util 8.

lonltor service Incl Tucson ProfMsional Bldo. 650 6th SELF-CONTAINED 20' travel trailer, air conditioned, hitch included, $1,700. oramic city Honrs mountain views; vt Inst miniitos From Downtown: SINCE TERRITORIAL DAYS SEE THIS TODAY 7110 E. 29TH ST. SHARP 3 BR combination kitchen-family nam on beautifully landscaped lot.

to MOTHER OF SORROWS. This Immaculate home has tirepiace, disposal, extra storage, separate laundry rom, exlra large covered porch. Owner transferred. PRICED TO SfLL-PRANK JASTER, 296-4151 or 296-3152. MUST SELL REDUCED $3,000 Sr-000 CLU1 CREST ESTATES refrigerated SR act.

4, dining A Lerge lot, double carport, ftrt-p'ace. Rhr-em dust-free. Honeywell air cleaner and humidifier, easy change oyer from heating to cooling, only 2 years old. Carpeting, graperies and large Prottguard refrigerator Included Price. S9.000 cash to S14.O00 Int.

rate PITI. FHA financing available. Call OFFIt-F SAeeTFOR RENT 1526 t. Lester. 325-4214, 12 14'.

Ilqht, heat, lanitorial serv Ira nrnvlded 440 mrt. 3 BEDROOM, Trailer for sale. Call CASAS ADOBES 7110 VIA ASSISI community ciuDnouse a. awimmmg Pool. $12,500 to $15,200.

Mcdel Hnme Ooen Daily. 1940 Anklam Rd. 624-4543; Z94-3U6I Weekly-mthlv'. No' lease reg. 326-0980 Eves 793-1844, JOHN RILEY, Realtor FALL-WINTER CATALOG FRESH LISTINGS.


GrantRd325-2164I NINE UNIT court with trailers. Contact itrMerNnl4Ej2nJ STEFFEN REALTY 4560 Sales, repairs All Makes Tucson Land Yacht Sales NOIEN ADVERTISING 2563 EJroaavPhoneW306 LEASEwith option buv. North-tide's finest 3 unit office building. IFAN0V REALTY, INC. Open Today 1 till Dark Home.

2 bedroom, walk-In SAVE $2,000 A CHARMER 1320 Benson Hiahwav '94-5871 NEAR RINCON HI 3 In this popular nelgnborhood hava the biggest home tor the money Tucsonl 3 bedroomt. beam ceilings, large living room, family sue kitchen, beautiful shade, citrus, and Ptirn all for M.950. Esv walking) distance to Rlneon Ml. Let Bob Ewing closets, fireplace, and panel ray lrltr-n. lib baths.

1953 28' fteaal housetrailer, tub, Red brick, 2 large fireplace 2400 6. -rant iij-ita room; lull UftM ALL UAT 'i kir in livino A 1 herirnnm hnme bar-B-Q in living paved ttreets, Amphi school. $115 FURN. office space, ph. 8, ans.

serv- shower, clean. Best orter taxes. n-zona Motel. 1749 S. th Ave.

624-2579. nulftn rarnptina. fibrealass. draoes. montn.

aui rasrime. -ir duolex, clean, yard. 1FFICE trailers Rent or Lease Large lot, good East location. Red-duced from $12,300 appraisal. H-W LIQUIDATION trom ssu per mo ueserr trailer iWt Linden 624-9425 after 4.

sales, ni-sii Terrific opportunltv. 45 luxurious ACQUIRED FHA AND BuoTherm-coleman you'll want if you drive to 7341 Calle Cuernavaca (Drive east on 22nd street to Kolb Road then south 3 streets then east.) It's vacant, iust walk In and look it over then call Jack Heagie at 296-7163 or Eves. 298-H62 HENDRICKS REALTY Se.S "-ll house, water paid $65 month. 1031 NJodse. EA.

7-2289, BEOROOM, clean. 3753 B. lower. ce. $34.50 mo.

4 fin, oza-wi, LARGE office space. $100 month utilities Included, Phone 327-6261. TspfJTfWfFE'eT of OFFICE SPACE at $2,10 Per sg. tt. "ohts A heatln- PAID ample WILL FINISH tt suit tenant.

For particulars call VOIGHT REALTY CO INC. 2221 Miracle Mile. Phone 623-3459. Gat furnaces for mobile homes a. snow it to you loaavi can ma.

-9ia or 325-5304. ROY H. LONG REALTY P. Ath St. VA HUMtb Steffen Realty 793-7179 Ooen Houses For Sale 180 income exceeas siuu monin-ly.

$20,000 dn. Fabulous financing Ph. 296-4191 or P.O. Box 6220. travel trailers at ga savings! MOBIIF HOMF SPEC AL STS 246 W.

Glenn-PAULSQNS-624-0065 SMALL cottage. $46.80, ytiiitlM Jn- hwlAft. ntr evervthlna. 3541 S. Bth, 2138-40 N.

296-6151 JOE COZY and warm tna WINTER, COOL and COM-FOpTAALE the SUMMER. This home features: 1, 5 ton Rheem Reirigerafion. 30 40 Swimming POOL. 1 Quest House 4 Utility. 4.

Family room A FIRE- i. y-iervt Bedroomt. 4. 3-netht. 7.

Beautiful Kitchen with Bunt-Ins. I. Large Double C-araga. 9. Beautiful Carpet Draperies.

10. Beautifully landscaped acre lot. II. No grass. 12.

And many more features. Ready for a Quick Sale. Possession TODAY! Directions: Go Vi mile West of Ora-l Road or Ina to Via Asslsl, then South. Call 423-401. 5602 E.

22nd St. 296-7163 or at home, 295-MW. Choice homes throughout the metropolitan area. B'" of terms and locations. Sales-oeopie available at ail times stoo in for full Well constructed duplex, Mrsflpn tile 5 BEDROOM Ecosf745 ohthlytTi! furnlthtd.

Vlda's Court, 241 Miracle SmalL 3 room house, suitable for one or couole. 1401 w. Cgnjress root. 9 rooms, I curm ntn liwo, un htn. all laroe rooms; private Defies, Gash For Trailers ASK FOR MR.

R1CHTER TED WAl KEft r4ll WOO OLD WORLD CHARM 1120 E. BROADWAY. Zoned B-1 Two bdrms house, clean, use for huftlnecK nr comb, home and business. Carports 8. storage; Mulberry thade Fiirnlshad 8, oriced to sail! Good parking.

Fine location. Call Adams Realty, 325-3309, for details fflclency cottaoe. 2229 e. riedrtck. PAT.

HAS A HOME TO FIT EVERY BUDGET! '83? SO 6TH MA 3-259 S03.UU PST montn. reitn YTinn, neir 45J125-45i8. trailer tourt site with excellent tor. 21 aoeeoway. rn.

in-ini. en 4oT tnr nr office building buslnetl frontage, a real oargam Oracle Realty, 2223 Exchange or sell eoultv ht I bedroom, 3 bath, family rm. dining walk-in cedar closet, caraet, drapes, mature fre on acre. Assuma 202 00 PITI morfgaga. OWNER.

Car lor Const. 295-9451 ar 290-4541. LVERNOtr" BROABwSY AREA Two bedroom, nicely furnished, immaculate. 4126 Kindt Road. Lease.

S140 Pfcn 325-3372 or 316- First time on the market-gleaming hardwood floors, woodburning fireplace, close-in location. Brick stucco, tile roof, enclosed garage 3 bedrooms are lust a few of the outstanding points of thit lovely home. please call MRS. McLAIN for an aopointmnt to see at 294-6151 or 291-3478. corner of two busy oversize Miracle Mile, pn.

624-uwa. parking lot, only $72 mo. a ln.noo a ft. business lot with Trailer Park 94 school metal building a chain link fenced erd. tna w.

Prince Rd. area, low fSECittrjOM. fenced yard Vista del Prado From $8,495 SANTA SEZ The kiddies should hang their stockinos by the fireolace In this bi- four be-lroom home and Daddy's and Mother's nifts will be uml-r the tree in the family rcom. I talked to S-nta In oen he tez for more information call Walter Sehmiti 327-5977 or 325-1115. locks.

1015 W. Wetmore. 187- two 61 rent. Oracle Realty, 2223 Mi Income racle Mile. 624-0095, WILSHIRE HEIGHTS CATALINA High area.

bedroom $85, 4417 E. Waverly. S87-0293. 2, 3, 4, bedroom homes that spell VALUE In capital letten! Eight exciflne models In contemporary and ranch house styling. $300 Monfh PytsH Indu't'iH ntols $55 EXCELLENT Strategic North, Loca AHrartiw.

clean 1 bdrm duplex In tion, csraoitsneo a. an rtgures available Recent death In family convenient North location. 611 E. Knox NEW SHIPMENT OF REMBRANDTS JUST ARRIVED 12Widex5V 2 Bedrooms $4,395 Furnis.ted. Delivered Set Up TED WALKER TRAILER HEADQUARTERS 2632 So.

6th Ave. Open -9; SERVING TUCSON 22 YEARS Complete Parts Store MODELS Golf Links Rd. lust east of Wilmot Ph. 296-3511 Eastview Estates From $10,240 OLDER HOME 2012 E. Ith ST.

Lovely Old home. Territorial Stvie. Hardwood floors. Built In Kitchen. 1 Spacious Bedrooms, plus dan and a LARGE FORMAL DINING-ROOM Owner very anxious for 8ftr.

Russ Agrew, 794-545. Residence 397-0143. Everybody's talking about soace. This lovaiv. I room home features SPACE.

4 Bedrooms, Activity plus Om-Inn room, 2 hatht. DOI. fireplace. Croetlno. dracenes.

ranoe, dishwasher. disooal, weherrvr. RCA Stereo. Lovely walled Patio. Priced at onlv 120.

VX). FHA termt available. IMMEDIATE POS-SSMON Call P'ul'n Avis. U3-HOU 290-540A at enrner ot N. 1st Ave.

j-t i e. and PR sours Park at '2th SOLE Reason for sale. Property Includes Home, 3-Apts Rec Hell, Trailers 35 Spacet. Only $15,000 Oown 8, ONLY $300 month Office 8. Stnraoe.

Industrial $50. 4 BEDROOM. I bath home. Completely and beautifully furnished. Convenient location.

Zoned for business office. $150 month. 623-8307 or 294-3431 WEEKDAYS 2, 3, 4 bedroom homes wim up to t50 ft. more livlnfl ipc. bnclf total on oaiance oweo.

exclusive With Us Your Move W-4H33, GO SUBURBAN Over 3500 aouare feet of living area. Sunken livino room, 3 baths, enclosed pool, 6 3 acres In Flecha Caida. 4 box stalls and tack room. Reduced to t37.5OA0O. For aooolntment to see.

call Maroa'et Thgrn-ton 327-5977 or 3'5-3t6l. tDilaliUCHUne LCim-i no" VOOEL5 rvd easi ot Koib Rd. Ph, 298-7 5" ROOM HOUSE. Vicinity Santa Rita-Grant Rd. $60.

Water paid. 327-9223. It no answer call 326-3801. LtlGHI AL I 622-7406792-2507 'BUY RIGHT WITH LEIGHT" HIDDEN VALLEY INVESTMENT CO POOL-REFRIGERATION 4 BR 3 BATHS a Family room separata dining room Large kitchen with blin oven, range, Amana re-frigerator-f a i a r. dish-wasner, disposal Heated pool with automat ic vacuum Rincon, Vail and Brown achoois.

For appointment la Inspect thit tnd other 4 and 5 bedroom hornet aletsa call RUTH VOSS. 294-4151 or tt home, 294-2223. TO BE SPECIFIC THIS IS TERRIFIC! Thlt combination hat made thit 3 bedroom burnt ad-ibe residence most Interesting. The activity overlooking an BUSINESS-FINANCE i ROOMS and bath, conveniently located, $45. 365 E.

Prince, CATAMNA FOOTHILLS 't'DOOM COTTAGE AND tx N. CRATtaur REALTORS Housts For Salt Furn. 194 Carriage Hill Estates From $10,990 Exciting new models that let you declare your Independence from old-fashionea hard-to-live-with houses and apartments! 2, 3. 4 bedrooms 1 bedroom hous. Adults.

No pats. 4002 E. Ft. Lowell, iii-yu. POtCFSI'tinN A CR4 Guest House and Pool 4067 N.

FIRST AVE. An excellent property for present income and future develop onni patto 55 10 3 Bdrm. Bath Vk Front Bdrm. Assume balance. Desert Bus.

Opportunities 150 ENCO STATION for lease; Eastside, Reasonable Investment. W. M. Coatt. ON FAIRWAY Oro Volwy Countrt HOME POOL Lovely rnt Adot Home 3 Bert ms, 1 baths.

RE-FRiGFRAT0, a a d. Draped, hullt-ln Range. Leva-lv work-free Ptlo. covered terrare. barbecue, 14 3a Handy Man Special On 1 Acre Deluxe 1 Bdrm duplex's $80-590 Jng.4559E.

FairmountA 6424 EL Rancho area! nice large 1 BR. Club Furnisheo or gntumisneg. eoroom. 1 batht, many extras. 297.

aim Trailer Salts, 623-5777. WHY PAY RENT? 623-9437 or 296-3482 atter 0 rnn. ment. 7 laroe Bedrooms, six rarnrt, ya rr. 37-rvin This Is a great cfosa-iti for HORSE VrtNiiSIClor sale or rent.

Purft We avil rent vou a MODEPN MO rooms lead to beau oaths. All MOTEL, 2 br home, 12 units, 5 kitchens. Easy to manage, will trartn Mulfy 622-9768. ALMOST two bedroom duplex, fenced, water. $65.

5213 S. Mission- tifully landscaped otin and Bll HOME tor as tow at $41 per mo apply al the rent toward the purchase orice How can vou lose' dale. MA 3-J976. LOWERS. BOOM, 1 BATH La-ne.

lama aool with lir fence frees, trees everywhere SIIRNISHED tti son FULLY eouipped restaurant for lease. It will pay to investioate this loaded with teeturesi MODELS off Broaoway, one-naff mile east of Pantano Ph. AX f-0072 Sutton Place East From $13,990 3, 4, 5 bedroom homes that reach a new pinnacle of desigra anal construction excellence Suoerb tiiHsine settings MODELS Soeedwav- one-halt mile east of Pantane Ph. 29M071 Easiest VA-FHA Terms Models Open 'Til Dark TVO BEDROOM, furnished, Grant- Investinatc today rhtice selection attractive patio, paneled dining room with itt crystal chandelier, iunktn living room with picture window framing the Cattllnas, all biene) in to create a Bomej vou will be proud to own. FHtereo pool, priced at $37,500 After hours call Max Segal at 297-1994 strne rn iio-'xxi'.

8 in wide? three bedroom pooortunity. 1920 Miracle Mile. PHILLIP'S PETROLEUM CO. Modern Service station far lease. Excellent location and potential Ca Donna ttule.

322-5972 or 327-110. reconditioned mooue names. Desert Trailer Sales. heated 5. filtered on 1 acre olut desert land-tresinn overlooking the City north and east of Casat Aonbet Shooalna Crnter.

Pri-r fee gu'rk sae E-al-lent farms. Call Mr. Mc-Laoa. 23-401. Evea 324-200, 2021 E- BROADWAY 623-6401 MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS BEDROOM, close Doolen, Catalina High.

$75 monthly. 2326 N. Northwav. fc.17 6. ltt.

I bedroom home. $105 Ma te'-jnj so so oearoom ntxnu. w-w carwr. d-aoet, rental tilt aar month. t4 IT'SPURETSRXW Cost S29 500 now only S1S.90B total price, widow must tall her ipotijst furnished 4-plex and c'oer bdrnt homi.

Near Grant A Jfona shopomo center. Call Hubbard far tha, buy he has seen in I years. LUKE REALTY 3130 N. Fid 424-2895: avat M7-3973. Training and financial assistance Evailble.

For appointment can 2125 MIRACLE MILE 623-5777 New jnr Used I raDer "ALUMINUM TRAILFft AWNINGS All sizes, cost. Houseman 887-335 622-4734. 5M. partially or furnished. HUFFaWREN' REALTY.

INC. 497 E. Soeedwav 327-597T I MAJOR oil station for lease. Reason Booth, Pickett, Palo Ve'te High. Best of all ONLY 5900 DOWN to new FHA loan.


294-4151 able investment, lionet uii lo. ao K4rvtfn. fireolace. water paid. Must Liauidate tUrt More Families Buy P.A.T.

Homes Than Any Otherl AmPHI. $75. 177 fc. -n. llUn nr rouole.

Three arr- Deluxe 1945 Ideal 1x25 mobile home t25-26 2555 t. Broadway OVER 5,000 sa. ft. downtown. Idea; for club, dance hall etc.

Owner desperate, name your terms. 298-4435. Perfect for town fc luxury on vaca Mcw $40. Inquire Pink House. Bean tion trip! 297-0530.

4 tt 1 1.

Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)


What famous people were born in Tucson Arizona? ›

Famous Tucsonans
Francisco, Pablo Ridson1974-Comedian, actor, writer
Gehrels, Anton M.J. "Tom"1925-2011Astronomer, planetary scientist
Gelb, Howe1956-Musician, singer-songwriter, record producer
Giffords, Gabrielle "Gabby" Dee1970-Politician
95 more rows

What is the largest newspaper in Tucson, Arizona? ›

Tucson's premier source of print and digital news, sports and entertainment and its marketplace for automobiles, homes, jobs and advertising values. Nearly seven in 10 Tucson adults turn to the Arizona Daily Star in print or online each week.

What is the phone number for the Arizona Daily Star home delivery? ›

We reserve the right to change your subscription rate at any time. Contact at 800-695-4492 or visit for additional information.

Where is Arizona Daily Star located? ›

Tucson, Arizona

Do any celebrities live in Tucson, AZ? ›

Famous people who live in Tucson, Arizona include author Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford, baseball player George Arias, and cyclist Chad Beyer.

Who is the most famous person in Tucson? ›

Who Is the Most Famous Person in Tucson?
  • Linda Ronstadt. An American retired popular music singer known for singing in a wide range of genres including rock, country, light opera, and Latin. ...
  • Garry Shandling. ...
  • Ted DeGrazia. ...
  • Savannah Guthrie. ...
  • Kerri Strug. ...
  • Greg Kinnear. ...
  • Don Frye. ...
  • Stewart Udall.

Where is the Daily Star headquarters? ›

Daily Star (United Kingdom)
TypeDaily newspaper
Political alignmentLabour (historical) Politically neutral (current)
HeadquartersCanary Wharf London, E14 United Kingdom
Circulation132,979 (as of January 2024)
6 more rows

How do I cancel the Arizona Daily Star? ›

Call 1-800-695-4492.

How do I submit an obituary to Arizona Daily Star? ›

How to place an obituary in the Arizona Daily Star
  2. (888) 823-8554.

Is Tucson, Arizona a good place to live? ›

Tucson, Arizona is a vibrant and bustling city known for its warm weather, stunning natural beauty, and rich cultural heritage. With a thriving arts scene, diverse food options, and an abundance of outdoor recreation opportunities, there are many reasons to love this desert city.

Who owns AZ Daily Star? ›

Arizona Daily Star is a daily newspaper published in Tucson, Ariz. The Arizona Daily Star is one of several newspapers owned by Lee Enterprises, Inc., which owns newspapers in over 50 markets nationwide and publishes Arizona newspapers Arizona Daily Star and the Flagstaff, Ariz. -based Arizona Daily Sun.

Who owns the Daily Star? ›

The Daily Star Sunday is published by Express Newspapers, which along with the Daily Star also publishes the Daily Express and Sunday Express. The group was formerly owned by Richard Desmond's Northern and Shell company but is now part of Reach plc (formerly Trinity Mirror).

Who is the most famous person born in Arizona? ›

Who are the most famous people from Arizona? Hailey Bieber and Emma Stone are the two most famous people from Arizona, according to research done by the staff. Stevie Nicks, Brock Purdy and Chester Bennington round out the top five, ahead of others like Joe Jonas and Phil Mickelson.

Why is Tucson so famous? ›

Nestled in the Sonoran Desert of Southern Arizona, Tucson is the second-largest city in the state, known for its stunning natural beauty, rich Native- and Mexican American heritage, and bustling downtown area.

Did Paul McCartney live in Tucson, AZ? ›

In 1979, the McCartney's bought a ranch in Tucson, which he still owns. Linda died of breast cancer in 1998 at their Tucson ranch estate. Her ashes were scattered on their property. The documentary is available on Disney+.

What are people from Tucson called? ›

APStylebook. @APStylebook. People from Tucson are called Tucsonans (too-SOH-nuns). # APStyle.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.